Chapter Sixty Four Pregnancy Stress

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July 22nd

A/N I'm publishing tonight's chapter in honor of my grandpa Ken who passed away earlier last week, Anyways let's continue on with the story.

(Anya Forger) Mom? I asked as walked into the kitchen, Mom turned around and she said Yes sweetie what can I help you with? Uh could you possibly take me into town so I can start gathering baby clothes? Sure thing sweetie how about we leave for a mother daughter day together in an hour, Okay sounds good I then skipped out of the kitchen.

I'm very excited to go to the local mall with mom, while I waited for Mom to finish up her chores I headed to our private gym and I started to practice my martial arts skills, I destroyed two dummies and two punching bags to release some of the stress that I had been dealing with as well as the frustration of Damian Becky and Dad's constant smothering of my pregnancy, I know that they all mean well but come on I'm pregnant and not a fragile piece of glass.

I lost track of time that I didn't notice mom enter the gym, I was still so frustrated that I kicked one of the punching bags and it flew off the chain and it flew towards mom and it nearly hit her, thankfully mom didn't get hurt by the bag, I felt horrible that mom nearly got hurt because of my actions.

I dropped down to my knees and I began to cry and so mom walked over and she knelt down in front of me and she asked me Do you want to talk about it Anya? I'm sorry mom I didn't mean for that to happen I swear! I know you didn't mean for that to happen sweetie! Just know I'm here if you need me.

Mom then said why don't I take you to mine and dad's room and we can get under the covers and snuggle and watch movies together, Mom then picked me up bridal style and she proceeded to carry me out of the gym and then upstairs to the main floor, once on the main floor mom carried me into mom and dad's room.

Once inside their bedroom mom laid me on the bed and I then proceeded to crawl underneath the covers and as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

(Yor Forger) I'm starting to get worried about Anya's wellbeing I mean she hasn't been sleeping all the way through the night, Maybe I should get in touch with Amanda and see if she can help Anya out but only if it continues to get worse, I climbed into bed and I then gently pulled Anya into my arms and I held her softly against my chest, I then placed a kiss on her cheek.

I had turned on the television before I climbed into bed and I had laid next to Anya, Good night princess I love you so much.

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