Chapter Two The Morning After

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May 10th 1990

(Yor Foger) When I woke up this morning at about seven I felt a warm sensation resonating through my body, I turned my head and I saw Loid with his arms around my waist and I couldn't be happier than I am I feel so relieved that Loid and I were able to reveal our alternate selves to each other and have an honest conversation between each other, I started to fall back asleep when I realized that Anya has school today.

I then gently nudged Loid and I said Laid wake up! Loid let out a groan before he started to wake up, What time is it Yor? I then looked at the clock and I said its seven o two Loid shot out of bed and he asked as he threw on his work clothes Yor can you go and wake up Anya while I make breakfast? Sure thing dear I then placed a kiss on Loid's face before I walk out of the bedroom.

I then walked down the hallway to Anya's bedroom and I then knocked on before I entered the bedroom, Upon entering the bedroom I was greeted by our loyal dog Bond, Good morning Bond I said as I patted his head and I then carefully stepped over him and then I took a few steps forward and then three steps to the left and then I was in front of Anya's bed, I knelt down beside the bed I then spoke softly Anya it's time to get up!

In the past two years Anya has been growing up so much she's now seven and a half years old, Loid and I found out about a year ago that Anya's a telepathist and at first we both were confused but then the pieces started to fall into place, Enough of that thought for now, I then returned back to reality and I saw that Anya was awake she was sitting up in bed!

Good Morning Princess! How'd you sleep last night Anya? Anya said as she wiped the sleepiness out of her eyes I slept good Mama! That's wonderful to hear Anya your Papa and I have some good news that we will tell you when you get home from school and before your Papa has to go to the hospital to do some paperwork before the weekend, Anya responded okay Mama, Let's get ready for the day as I pulled her school uniform out of the closet and I laid it on her desk chair.

Anya then proceeded to get ready for school while I let myself out of the room with Bond following me shortly afterwards, I hope that Bond enjoys the dog food that I bought for him the other day at the grocery store, Once I had reached the kitchen I opened the pantry door I pulled a large bag of dog food out for Bond, I then proceeded to pour the food into his bowl and Bond began to eat it thankfully without passing out from my normal cooking!

When Loid and I first got into our contractual marriage I was a terrible cook but over the last two years I have started to become a much better cook than I had been before I met Loid and Anya, Loid was setting the table with three plates full of scrambled eggs and bacon with a side of toast, I then sat down at the table and I waited for Loid and Anya to sit down at the table before we could start eating breakfast together as a family, I looked over towards Bond and I that he was happily munching away with his food.

After about ten minutes Anya came out her bedroom all dressed and ready for school, Loid asked as he sat down at the table Did you study for your end of school exams that are going to start next month on the fifth last night Anya? Anya said yes I did Papa Uncle Franky helped me study for my exams! Loid smiled and he said as long as you do your utmost best than you should be fine Anya! Yeah hon don't worry about the exams you're going to ace them.

Once we all had finished breakfast it was time to get Anya out the door and down to the bus stop for the school bus, Loid and I quickly did the dishes and then put them in the dishwasher before we hurried outside to the bus stop, Once we had reached the bus stop the four of us waited for the bus to arrive Anya is very excited that today's the last day of school before the Mother's Day weekend.

Around seven thirty five the bus pulled up and then Anya as well as the kids who would ride the bus boarded the bus, Loid called out to Anya have a good day at school and make good choices Anya, Anya said from an open window I sure will Papa! Then the bus pulled away and headed towards Eden College.

Loid then offered me his arm and he said Let's get back home Mrs. Forger and I then greatly accepted his arm and I said Why thank you Mr. Forger! Then Loid and I along with Bond headed back to the apartment and once we got back Loid got in touch with his superior and he arranged for a meeting between the three of us tomorrow morning before Anya wakes up.

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