Chapter Twenty Four Grades and Results

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June 1st

(Anya Forger) I sat on the front steps of the apartment building with Damian at my side and we held hands as we sat on the steps, Mama is on a mission while Papa is at the hospital working and Grandma Emilia is at the hospital working as a doctor as well, thus leaving me and Damian along with Bond under the watchful eyes of Aunt Fiona.

How do you think you did on your exams yesterday Damian? I think I did very well on the exams yesterday shorty! oh shut up you goofball, I think I did pretty well myself on the exams as well, As we sat on the steps the mail truck pulled up to the apartment building with mail to deliver, the mail lady walked up to me and she said Mail for Anya Forger! I then took the envelope from her and I opened it with anticipation.

I then pulled out the results of my exams and I was completely caught off guard, I got all 90's and 100's on my exams from yesterday, I felt that there was something else at the bottom of the envelope and I then put my hand down to the bottom of the envelope and I grabbed something, I then pulled my hand out of the envelope and in my hand was my fourth Stella Star, this felt like a dream so I pinched myself.

And when I was absolutely sure that I wasn't dreaming I quickly thanked the mail lady and then I dashed inside thus leaving Damian alone outside with the mail lady, I headed upstairs to our apartment and I ran inside almost taking the apartment door off it's hinges from the amount of force I used to open it, AUNTIE FIONA I got great news I called out as I entered the apartment, Auntie came running from her guest bedroom and into the living room.

You aren't hurt or injured are you kiddo? No Auntie I got my exam results back and I did a fantastic job on all of them, I then walked over and I handed her my results along with my new Stella Star, Aunt Fiona looked over the results and she smiled brightly and her smile only grew more when she saw the Stella Star, She then said Your parents are going to be so very proud of you hun!

Thanks Aunt Fiona I'm so happy that I was able to do so well on the exams yesterday! Damian walked into the apartment and he said Congratulations Anya you definitely deserve that Stella, Damian then pulled out his results along with his third Stella star, You did a great job as well dear! I then placed a kiss on his cheek.

When your parents all get back from their jobs tonight let's celebrate with a pizza party my treat from your amazing results you two! Thanks Aunt Fiona I couldn't have done it without you and Aunt Sylvia tutoring and pushing me to do my absolute best on my tests!  Damian then pulled me into a passionate kiss and I quickly returned it.

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