Chapter Twenty Six Summer Break Begins pt 1

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June 3rd 2000

(Anya Forger) I awoke to the wet sensation on my face and I looked straight ahead and I was met by a big slobbery tongue, Bond was licking my face with his long tongue which elicited a little laugh out of me, Good Morning Bond how'd you sleep? Borf Bond barked Back to me! A few years ago Bond met his wife Eloise at a the nearby dog park and they immediately hit it off.

And during the last two years of being married they had a son join our family and his name is Buddy, My birthday is in just a couple of days away and I will be turning seventeen on June 7th and I'm really looking forward to celebrating it with my family, Maybe Aunt Remi and Uncle Kakeru will be able to make this year!

I haven't seen either of them since I was two years old just prior to be kidnapped by the organization that made me into a telepathic person, I quickly got out of bed and I then got ready for the day during the whole time I was getting ready Bond was very protective of me and I'm so very grateful to have such a wonderful animal companion such as Bond, After I had finished getting ready I snuck out of our bedroom and I headed downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for the whole family.

When I was eleven Dad taught me how to cook meals and I have been becoming a master a cooking though I'm still not quite on par with dad yet but I am getting there anyways I'm thinking of making bacon and eggs along with some breakfast sausages for breakfast, As I gathered the ingredients and stuff I am going to need to make breakfast Bond sat next to me.

I petted Bonds head before I then started to break the eggs open and pour the yolks into the pan and as the eggs began to cook I then grabbed another pan before I opened the bacon up and I then put it into the second pan and I began to let it sizzle, I snagged a strip of bacon once it had been cooked a bit and I then gave it to Bond.

Bond graciously accepted the strip of bacon and he then started to chew on it and while Bond ate the bacon strip I got right back to cooking breakfast, It wasn't long after that Mama walked into the kitchen and she said cheerfully Good Morning Anya! Good morning to you as well Mom, I hope that you and dad slept well last night! Oh we most definitely did sleep well hon!

I hope you all are hungry mom because I made bacon and eggs with some breakfast sausages for breakfast mom! Mom said that sounds lovely sweetheart look about yesterday I shouldn't have gotten so upset at you when I found that test yesterday I guess that I just can't picture the little girl that I met at the local tailor shop is going to become a mom in nine months, I know mom I can't imagine it either but I'm also very excited to be a mom!

Don't get me wrong I'm very scared of what these next nine months will hold for all us especially Damian and I but I know that as a family we will get through this together mom, I think the food is done I said as I turned off the stovetop, I then grabbed six plates out of the cupboard and I then put one of the six eggs onto each plate before I carried them over to the table and I then placed them onto the table.

Wow everything looks delicious Anya you did a really good job with making breakfast! Thanks Mom and I then took a seat at the table across from mom, We both made small talk about anything and everything until everyone else had come down and then we all started to eat breakfast together as a family, After breakfast I stood up to get the dishes all taken care of when dad put a hand on my shoulder.

Don't worry about the dishes honey Kassander Violet and I can take care of the dishes which elicited two separate groans from my younger siblings, Dad then said don't even start that you two besides Anya made breakfast which makes it only fair for us to do the dishes, Thanks Dad! Damian has a meeting at noon and I'm going to go spend the day with Becky! Is that okay and dad said that's totally fine Anya as long as you are extremely careful.

I then placed a kiss on dad's cheek and then I walked out of the kitchen and I then grabbed my car keys from the key hook and then I walked outside and I climbed into my red mustang and I then turned on the car, After I had started my car I then honked my horn and then I drove to the BlackBell residence.

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