Chapter Forty Eight Danger On The Horizon

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June 26th

(Anya Forger) I sat on the floor in complete silence after what Bond had shown me of a possible future, Dover has been utterly devastated by Bombers from Ostania, The King of England got overthrown after losing a long and bloody civil war, Mom and Dad along with everyone I love were either killed or we taken into containment camps, And all of this was possible by a shadowy figure in the Ostanian Government, I shudder at the possibility that everything we worked could be all for nothing.

I'm at a huge loss of words even though I desperately want to tell mom and dad what Bond showed me in the vision I'm very afraid it may cause mom and dad especially dad to panic, Bond how can we prevent this possible future from happening? Bond then showed me another vision of how to stop it from happening! In the vision I had to go deep undercover to flush out the person behind everything and after a couple of years I finally stopped him.

Good Job Bond I said to the aged Pyrenees Dog as I petted his head which earned me an affectionate soft bark and a big dog kiss, Becky will be coming with us on our family vacation to the US tomorrow and the trip will be a lot of fun for all of us, it's going to be a month long trip around the US before we all come back to the United Kingdom.

Anya Time for Dinner! I'm Coming dad! I then scurried out of my bedroom with Bond trotting behind me, Once Bond and I had reached the kitchen and we had entered through the kitchen door I saw Damian helping Mom and Dad finish cooking dinner and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of Damian learning to cook dinner from the masters.

What's on the menu for dinner tonight Dad? Your mom and I decided together that we should try a new dinner dish, Stuffed Burgers with all of you guys favorite ingredients I would be lying if I said that my mouth wasn't watering in anticipation, Yum that sounds delicious Dad!

Would you mind setting the table for dinner Anya? mom asked sure thing mom I then walked over to the cupboards to get the plates and then I carried them over to the table and I laid them all out onto the table, I then went back to grab the silverware and then I placed them all in their proper places, I think Professor Henderson and all of my teachers at Eden would be incredibly proud of me.

I may have been a slow learner during my first two years at Eden but I quickly was able to grasp what was being taught to me and my classmates, Especially with the constant tutoring and support of my parents and Aunts I eventually was able to help dad finish his mission, Or so I thought I helped complete it.

Little did I know just how wrong I was!

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