Chapter Twenty Two Signing The Marriage License

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May 30th

(Anya Forger) I'm incredibly nervous for tonight Damian and I will be signing a marriage license which will make us legally married I hope that I can be a good wife to him, I asked Papa last night if this was part of his mission and he informed me no it's not part of his mission both he and Mama want me to be just myself, Besides Damian will move in with us in the summer and we can go from there.

And both of my parents promised that they would help us out with any questions or concerns that we both may have, Mrs. Desmond has also offered help as well, I just finished getting cleaned up and ready for dinner when Mama knocked on the door and she said Anya are you ready? Just a minute Mama! I then quickly brushed my hair and then I walked out of the bathroom and Mama squealed with joy at my attire.

I couldn't help but blush at all the praises that were coming from Mama, You look absolutely stunning Anya I'm sure that Damian will fall head over heels for you! Thanks Mama I said with pride, I hope that Mrs. Desmond likes me! Mama said don't worry about that right now hon and besides this isn't about her, This is about you and Damian.

Come on let's go and help your dad finish preparing dinner by setting the table! Okay Mama I then followed Mama out to the kitchen to help set the table for dinner tonight, Tonight for this special and monumental occasion Papa is making steak and lobster for dinner, Grandma is helping Papa make the steak and lobster dinner, Thankfully Mama Papa and Mrs. Desmond have decided that Damian and I should wait until we are a little older before we consummate our marriage.

That makes we a little bit less stressed about it, especially considering that Damian and I are still only in the third grade together, After Mama and I have set the table there was a knock on the door which alerted us to the arrival of the Desmonds, Mama went to answer the door and then she let them inside, Damian walked in behind his mom and when he had approached me he handed me a bundle of roses to which I graciously accepted.

I then handed Mama the flowers to be put into a vase, Before too long Papa called out from the kitchen Dinner's ready! And so we all took our seats at the dining room table and once Papa came out of the kitchen with the food and he had placed the plates of food on the table we could start our main course of action, Damian and I signed our names on the marriage certificate.

Our parents signed above our signatures signifying that they have approved of the marriage and they are willingly allowing the two of us to be wedded, After the marriage certificate was signed by all of us it was time to start eating our delicious dinner.

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