Chapter Twenty Five The Dawn of a new Era

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June 2nd 2000

(Anya Forger) Gunfire echoed throughout the warehouse that was tasked by Handler to clear out of a up and coming drug ring and currently I'm taking cover so I can reload both of my Smith and Wesson pistols though I'm quickly running out of ammunition for both of them luckily I have the cqc needles that Mom gave me for my fourteenth birthday two years ago as my up close and personal weapons.

I somersaulted over the crate that I had used as temporary cover and I put my pistols back into their holsters which are located on my weapon belt and I then withdrew my needles from the insides of my black leather boots and I then ran straight back into combat, I flipped over a gang member and I jammed my needle straight into the top of her head instantly killing her, I then pulled out a kunai and I threw it into the leaders eye which penetrated through the eye and into the back wall.

The close quarters combat went on for several hours until the last enemy fell to my bare hands and now I have to clean the blood and brain matter from my hands since I squeezed with all of my strength to pop the last guys head, I looked down at my wrist watch and I saw that it was six thirty and dinner's at seven twenty and I ran out of the warehouse and I proceeded to call Handler and tell her that the job is finished.

After I received a job well done Agent Starlight was then I pocketed my phone and then I raced home and I silently prayed that I got home before dinner was served otherwise I probably will be grounded for the rest of the week, I arrived back at the apartment building and I ran upstairs to our floor and upon reaching the door I walked inside with ten minutes to spare, Dad turned to look at me and he said with a smile Welcome Home Anya!

Thanks dad I'm sorry that I was nearly late the mission was longer than I anticipated it would be, Dad said it's alright Anya you made it with plenty of time to spare why don't you go get out of your work clothes and get cleaned up for dinner! Yes dad oh and where's mom at dad? She's in the bathroom cleaning up.

Gotcha well I'm going to get ready for dinner dad! And then I walked to mine and Damian's room but before I could enter our room mom called from the bathroom ANYA SOPHIA FORGER GET IN HERE Right Now! I gulped I knew I am in trouble for something and so I walked into the bathroom and Mom said What is this young lady? In mom's hand was the pregnancy test that I took this morning at the doctors office before I came home to change for my mission and the test read positive, I put my hands up in surrender Mom I can explain!

Mom looked at me and she said you better start explaining everything, Once I finished explaining everything Mom was a little bit calmer than she had been a few minutes before Look Mom I know that Damian and I made the mistake of not using protection but we both will own up to it, I wish that you didn't have to find out this way Damian and I were going to announce it over dinner but it looks like you found out, I'm sorry mommy! I said as I started to tear up.

Mom then walked over to me and she pulled me into her arms and she held me and all the while she kept reassuring me that everything is going to be okay, Don't worry honey you and Damian won't be alone raising your child alone! Your dad and I along with Kassander and Violet will help you raise them, though you both will have to do a lot of the child rearing! Thanks Mom I really appreciate it.

Here why don't I take your work clothes and wash them while you go ahead and get cleaned up and wash yourself before dinner, I will bring you some fresh clothes to wear sweetie I then got out of my blood soaked clothes and I then handed them to mom before I hopped into the shower to get cleaned up, Mom surprisingly took the news of my pregnancy pretty well, considering how pissed off she was prior to me explaining everything.

I can tell that Mom will definitely protect my child and her grandchild with her life which makes me feel more relaxed with knowing that mine and Damian's child will be safe and secure with Mom and Dad and our surrogate family watching over us.

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