Chapter Twelve High Steaks

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May 20th

(Loid Forger) Tonight I'm going to be making Hamburger Steaks for supper for three four of us, Hamburger Steak is actually one of the meals that Mom used to make for on special occasions such as my birthday and Christmas those were some of my favorite memories of my late childhood years, Hamburger Steaks have become Anya's favorite food as well.

Currently Mom Anya and Bond are at the local park thus leaving Yor and myself back at the apartment, Yor is prepping the mash potatoes and veggies while I was cooking up the hamburger steaks, Mom is really enjoying grand-motherhood and the role of Yor's mother in law and she is already started to spoil  Yor, Anya and Bond continuously, Though I'm not complaining I so glad to see everyone mesh so well together.

I'm especially happy for Yor since she hasn't had a mother/mother like person in her life since she was a little girl, As I continued to cook the hamburger steaks I smiled at how good the steak are turning out.

(Emilia Straussen) I sat on a park bench and I watched my granddaughter run around the park with Bond running after her, It feels very surreal that I'm a grandmother to such a wonderful little girl and grandog I can't help but smile sadly Giselle should've been here to meet her granddaughter and Bond but sometimes things in life don't always go the way we want them to go, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I must've gotten so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Anya had walked over to me and she wiped away the tear from my cheek, There there granny it's okay! Aww you are so very sweet Anya I picked up Anya and I placed her in my lap, I ran my fingers through her pink hair, we sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I said we should head back soon because dinner will be ready in a little while, And after dinner you need to study.

Anya groaned saying don't remind me, I couldn't help but chuckle and I said if you want to become an imperial scholar then you have to study silly, Come on Bond and Bond care bolting over to the bench and then I attached his leash to his collar, Once Bond was hooked the three of us headed back to the apartment.

Upon arriving back at the front steps and we had climbed the stairs I then opened the door and I then unclipped Bonds leash and I said go find mommy and daddy Bond, Bond bolted up the stairs to the apartment, I held Anya's hand in my hand and then we ascended the stairs as well, upon arriving at the apartment door was scratching the wood of the door and so I barked BOND QUIT SCRATCHING THE DOOR! Bond immediately stopped when I raised my voice.

I then opened the door and then we all headed inside and once inside we all had dinner together before Anya studied before she went to sleep for the night.

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