Chapter Fifty Six An informant's job is never done

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July 8th

(Franky Franklin) Ugh another long and tedious day providing information to Wise and we are still nowhere near with finding Donovan Desmond after he disappeared after the whole warehouse debacle, I really do miss the banter that Loid and I had when he was in charge of the Operation Strix, I'm starting to get too damn old to be continuing this line of work.

At least it helps put bread and milk on the table  and it keeps my wife happy, my wife Lily and I welcomed our first child together last month and It has been hard on Lily and I but we are managing to get through this new adventure together, I would've appreciated it Loid and the Forgers were still here because we really would like to have some advice on child rearing as first time parents.

When I got home from my information booth I put my hat and trench coat onto the coatrack and then I walked into Juliana's nursery to check on our daughter and see how she's doing, thankfully Juliana's nanny changed her and fed her prior to my arrival home, I poked my head over the crib railing and I said Hi princess daddy's home!

Which elicited a smile and a little giggle from our daughter, I then gently picked her up and out of the crib I then walked out of the nursery and out to the living room once in the living room I sat down on the couch with Juliana in my arms, As I sat on the couch I saw a picture on the table and I couldn't help but smile.

The picture in question was on Christmas Eve five years at the Forgers and it was the first time I even introduced Lily to the people whom I considered to family, That was the last time I remember Anya calling me Uncle Scruffy before she became a young woman and she didn't need me as much as she used to need me, I know that I shouldn't have gotten so attached to the Forgers but I couldn't help it.

I felt a tear trickle down my face but I quickly wiped it away, I looked down at my daughter and I know that I want to do my part so that there's no more war or suffering and if that means that I have to sacrifice myself for her then so be it, It was long before Lily came home and she proceeded to feed Juliana her dinner, Lily then said did you hear the news dear?

What news Lily? There was an bombing at train station not far from the airport that Loid and the Forgers are flying out of tomorrow to fly back home to the United Kingdom, I nearly dropped my coffee cup onto the floor because of how much my hands were shaking, I breathed a sigh of relief that none of my family was hurt, I would've murdered the person if any of them got hurt in the attack, Lily and I continued to talk until Berlint in Love came on.

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