Chapter Forty Four Setting into our new home

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June 21st

(Anya Forger) Upon Arriving at our new home address in Dover our address is 1066 Brookshire Road Myself Mom & Dad Kassander & Violet, Bond Eloise and Buddy all got ourselves situated before we all started to unpack all of our belongings before we started to settle into our new routine, Even though this is best solution to protect us from any possible repercussions for the assassination of Donovan Desmond, I still don't like it.

I going to miss all of my friends at Eden as well as all of my teachers at Eden including professor Henderson who has been kind of like a grandfather to me over the past ten years, Besides mom and dad he has been pushing me to the best student that I can be there was a time when I would struggle immensely with tests and all that I will eternally grateful for all the advice and help that he could offer to me, I sighed as I fell back onto mine and Damian's bed.

As I lay on the bed I heard a knock and so I called out come in! The door then opened this revealing dad standing in the doorway, Hey kiddo how are you doing? dad asked me, I'm doing good dad! Do you mind if I come in for a minute hun? Go right ahead dad!

What's on your mind dad? Dad sat on our bed and he said with a huge smile Anya I'm so incredibly proud of you for all the years of dedication that you put into Operation Strix, Even though there were bumps in the road you managed to persevere through it, I know that I was quite hard on you at times but it was because I wanted you to succeed in everything you could do.

What originally started out as a family of circumstances eventually led to both you and your mom both showed me what true familiar love was again, I mean my adoptive mother was all the way in Westalis and I was deep in enemy territory! And I'm so proud of the amazing young woman that you have become kiddo and I wouldn't change the past for anything.

I said on the verge of tears Thank You so much for always believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself dad! Well that's what father's are for hon! And your mom and I already know that you and Damian will be amazing parents, but if you both ever need to get away for a few hours your mom and I will gladly watch over the baby for you both, Thanks so much dad.

I then proceeded to hug dad, I hugged him tightly as if he would vanish if I let go of him, once we had finished hugging dad stood up from the bed, I'm going to go and do some post mission paperwork and then why don't we all go out to eat together as a family, My treat!

Sounds like a wonderful plan dad I replied back, Dad then kissed the top of my head and he said I love you now and always hon! Why don't you get some rest Okay dad, Dad then left the room while I laid down to rest up for tonight.

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