Chapter Twenty Eight Phone Call from Aunt Remi

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June 5th

(Anya Forger) I opened my laptop and I then fired up Skype and I then proceeded to call Aunt Remi over Skype after a few rings Aunt Remi picked up, When aunt Remi answered she said Hi my Mei how're you doing today? I could be better Oba I woke this morning with really bad morning sickness, I'm sorry to hear that Anya but on the bright side that means your little one is growing at a good pace!

Will you and uncle Kakeru be able to make it to my birthday party on Friday? I asked hopefully Aunt Remi then said I'm so so sorry kiddo your Uncle and I have been on a week long teaching summit in Paris and so unfortunately we won't be able to make it this year, Maybe we can get together sometime over Christmas, Alright Auntie externally I was very calm and chipper but internally I was crushed by my aunt's announcement.

I haven't seen either of my aunt and uncle as well as my Aunt Hori and Uncle Miyamura whom are my godparents since I was two years old and I was hoping that the two pairs of them could come along with Aunt Yuki and Uncle Toru and Auntie Sakura could make it but I guess that it will have to be another year of waiting to see them, Aunt Remi and I talked for a good hour before she had to hop off Skype to go to one of Uncle Kakeru's lectures, I got off Skype and I then powered down my laptop and I took a nap.

(Remi Sengoku) I feel terrible for lying to my niece about not being able to make it to her birthday but Kakeru and Remi have to follow along with Loid and Yor's secret plan which is for all of us to surprise Anya on her birthday, I got into touch with Hori and Izumi Miyamura, Toru and Yuki Ishikawa and Sakura and informed them about what the plan for Anya's birthday party is and they are all on board, I'm just finishing up packing my suitcase when our daughter Shizuru walked into the room.

Mom can't I please come with you and dad? Honey your father and I have already talked with you about this topic it's going to be a very long fifteen hours and fifty minutes flight from Tokyo to Berlint and besides Grandma and Grandpa have agreed to have you spend the week with them in Kyoto! I know how much you love to visit them, Maybe next year you can travel with dad and I.

I'm going to hold you to that mom Shizuru said before skipping out of our bedroom and she headed outside to play until it's dinner time, I hope that she will have fun spending time with my in laws as much as I would love to have Shizuru come with us she still is quite too young to fly such a long distance to another country, not to mention that Berlint's international airport is massive and I worry that our precious little girl could get lost or abducted in the airport.

I walked over to my dresser and I picked up the last picture of Anya that was taken just a week before she was taken, The picture was taken on her second birthday by one of my best friends and Anya's mother Honoka Sawada, I'm holding Anya in my arms and my dress is smeared with blue cake frosting while my older brother James is laughing his head off at the sight of how much of a messy eater Anya is.

I held the picture up against my chest and I smile in two days we all get to our niece after fifteen long grueling years, I consider all of mine and Kakeru's friends part of our family, When I had given birth to Shizuru Kakeru and Sakura were in the room with me when it was time to chose godparents I chose Sakura to be Shizuru's godmother and Kakeru chose Toru to be Shizuru's godfather, they both accepted the responsibility of godparents immediately.

I rolled my suitcase to the door and I then headed into the kitchen to make dinner while Kakeru was finishing up some last minute lecture plans for his substitute teacher at the local college he works at, After I finished making dinner I called our whole family to the dining table to eat dinner together.

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