Chapter Seven New Teacher at Eden College

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May 15th

(Anya Forger) Today at Eden college started just like a normal day until I walked into my third class of the day, I sat down at my desk that I shared with Becky and it was quite noisy until the teacher said Alright everyone settle down please, The teacher started to write on the board and she said My name's Ms. Frost and I will be your new home economics teacher going forward from today.

Ms. Frost turned around to face me and my classmates and I was shocked to see that Ms. Frost is my new Auntie Fiona/Nightfall is our new home economics teacher, Auntie Fiona said let's get started with role call and then she started to read off all of the names off the attendance sheet and when she called my name off the sheet I said here Ms. Frost, I saw a little smile on her face when I announced my presence.

After role call Auntie Fiona said your previous teacher had informed me prior to the heart attack that killed him that you all have a practice exam that will prepare you all for the upcoming end of term exam, Ms. Frost then proceeded to pass out our practice exams and once she finished handing out the tests she said you all have until the end of the period to complete your exam, I immediately got to work on my exam and I was doing a great job.

All the studying that Papa and Mama have had me do over the last two years has really started to pay off, And my afternoon school tutoring has also helped me become a much better student in my classes in fact I don't even need to use my power to listen to others thoughts when I take tests now, I actually heard from Professor Henderson that the ten highest scoring students in each grade who get the highest scores will receive a Stella as a reward.

I'm very determined to earn my next Stella star to get me halfway to the eight Stellas I need to become an imperial scholar so I can help Papa meet Sy-on Boy's dad in person and prevent war, I found out what this feeling that I have whenever I'm around Damian from Mama and she told me that what I'm feeling is actually love for him, I meditated on the matter and I realized that she's right I do indeed love Damian.

In just under a half hour I have finished my exam and during the last half hour of class I read my exam over several times and I checked to make sure I have all of the correct answers I need to pass the practice exam, Once I was satisfied with my answers I left my exam on the desk and I then started to study for my next class, When the bell rang I stood up and I handed my exam to Ms. Frost.

I then whispered into her ear saying I will see you in class again tomorrow Auntie! Auntie Fiona blushed and she said with a soft smile I will indeed see you in class tomorrow Ms. Forger, I then walked towards Becky and then the two of us headed off to Mathematics class, Which is my favorite class of the day besides P.E.

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