Chapter Seventeen Serious TLC After Side Mission

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May 25th

(Twilight) Ugh what a day I thought as I limped up the apartment stairs to the second floor with several injuries, Firstly after I had eaten Breakfast with the family I was called away to help a fellow agent with one of their missions and at first everything seemed to go well until we had entered the building where drugs were being sold illegally, not only that but upon entering the warehouse we were immediately being shot at, it was a long and bloody shootout with several people dying of their injuries including my mission partner.

My partner whose name was Alison Bach was killed during the mission and what hurts more is that she was one of my students when I was an instructor at Wise a few years back, Alison was like my little sister and her death will haunt me for the rest of my life, And what's worse is that she leaves behind a husband a young daughter Celeste and a young son named Felix, both of whom are my godchildren.

After eliminating everyone else in the warehouse I extracted Alison's body from the warehouse after leaving a note on the meeting table for the local police department, I then carried Alison's body outside and then I laid it down in the backseat of my car and then I drove to her house, Once there I broke the news to her family and gave them her body to bury before I drove home.

Once I had gotten home and I had finished climbing the stairs to our apartment floor I limped over to the door and then I unlocked the apartment door before I stepped inside the apartment door, I was shaking with bad anxiety and I felt very weak from my injuries, Everything started to get very fuzzy and it wasn't long before I collapsed to the floor, And just before I blacked out I heard a scream.

(Yor Forger) I heard Loid enter the apartment and I was just turning the corner after folding the laundry when I saw him collapse to the floor and I couldn't help but scream in fear, I quickly rushed over to him and I checked his pulse and thank goodness his heart was still beating, I then picked him up off the floor and then I carried him to our room so I could properly examine him, once in our room I began to remove his clothes so I could see what the damage is.

I was taken aback by how much the extent of his injuries were but I quickly got to work with patching Loid up, I heard Loid mumble Alison I'm so sorry, I remember Loid telling me last night about a close friend of his who was like a little sister to him, something horrible must've happened, When Loid fully wakes up maybe he might want to talk about it.

I then sat down on the bed next to him and I then gently laid his head against my chest and I then gently stroked his soft blonde hair, when Loid woke up he explained everything that happened and by the end of it he was full on sobbing and all I could do was hold him in my arms and comfort him, my heart broke seeing Loid look so broken down.

Maybe I should get in touch with Jacob in a few days and they could over here and we could have a celebration of life party as a familiar unit, You will be missed Alison and fret not your death won't be in vain, Loid and I will help Jacob raise the kids you have my word.

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