THREE (part 1/6): just another cold february

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SLOUCHED AGAINST A SHELF, Yamiyo Omagatoki, the Shadow Guard­ian, dragged out a sigh. The monotony of the day overwhelmed him, making his eyes droop with boredom and exhaustion. He couldn't recall how long he's been here, but it felt like ages.

His father, Dr. Toshiro Takumi, had brought him out today to get some fresh air. With shopping. Why did it have to be shopping? Being in public and shopping were the two worst things in the world. His room's comfort beckoned Yamiyo, who would sacrifice anything to be anywhere but here.

"Yamiyo, set an example!" Dr. Takumi spoke with a harsh whisper. "You're a Guardian, for the love of kivamis."

Yamiyo snorted and flashed a smug smile. "That's right, a Guardian... not royalty. I see no sense in being proper here..." He pushed himself away from the shelf and crossed his arms behind his head. "But if it'll make you happy – I'll stop."

"You seem a bit on the edge more than usual," Dr. Takumi began. He picked up a small jar, analyzed it, then placed it in the hand basket hanging from his arm. The scientist turned to him with a furrowed brow. "How are you today?"

"Dead." Yamiyo said in the flattest tone, glaring at Dr. Takumi. "Can we please go home..."

Dr. Takumi smiled. "I'll be done shortly. Remember what I taught you about patience?"

"Patience? Patience?" Yamiyo pulled his eyes down, moaning. "We've been in this aisle for twenty minutes." He said, spreading his arms wide. "Who spends twenty minutes picking out spices and herbs in a small store?"

"I do!" Dr. Takumi said, chuckling and returned to browsing the jars. "And it's only been two minutes." He winked.

He let out a profound sigh and rubbed his forehead. "Can a Guardian go for a walk? My eyes are killing me." He squeezed the bridge of his nose and fixed his glasses. "And my head hurts."

Dr. Takumi nodded, his attention still on the small jar in his hand. "It's going to snow." He said.

"I'm fifteen," said Yamiyo. "I don't need to be warned about the stupid weather."

"Just reminding you, my son."

Yamiyo smiled a little and headed towards the door. Before he could leave, Dr. Takumi's urgent voice stopped him in his tracks.

"And stay out of trouble."

The Shadow Guardian groaned and shrugged. "Sure..." He said, glancing over his back and left the store, stepping out into the busy village.

Thick, pristine clouds blanketed the icy sky, but the sun broke through, casting a hazy glow over everything. Yamiyo shivered and shoved his hands in his pockets. His pure white, shoulder-length hair swayed in the chilling breeze, sending a shiver down his spine.

His ivory skin grew numb and tingled from the bitter cold. As he exhaled, a small cloud of vapor escaped his nose, disappearing into the air. This weather was suffocating... but it was better than shopping.

Yamiyo used to look forward to the winter months. Now, the cold season filled his mind with negative nostalgia and transported him to a single memory he wished to forget forever.

That image tried to claw its way to the forefront of his consciousness, but he pushed it back where it belonged. Yamiyo pressed a hand to his head and shook the images from his thoughts, then looked around for something to do.

He wandered off to the park and roamed, captivated by the hushed silence and pristine white of the snowy landscape. He cherished this place just as much as he did his bedroom. It brought back memories of a girl he grew up with, the warmth of her presence filling his heart. They would spend endless hours here, swinging on the rusty swing set and reaching for the sky from the top of the tallest trees.

But a day came when he had to move, leaving his friend behind. The memory of her haunted him, a constant reminder of what he had lost and could never find again.

Akira Hiromitsu — a name he would never forget. The name of his first and only friend. From sunrise to sunset, Akira Hiromitsu was the one person he couldn't stop thinking about. She was a ray of light to Yamiyo's otherwise bleak existence. He held Akira dear and treasured her friendship. Unlike other kids, she never cowered in his presence.

Yamiyo fidgeted with the yang pendant on his necklace, wondering if Akira still had the yin one he gifted her when they were toddlers. To Yamiyo, these necklaces meant: "even in separation, we would always be together".

He stood on a hill, leaning against a topless tree. The gentle gust of wind caressed his face as snowflakes fell fast around him. As he admired the view, he embraced himself for warmth, and couldn't stop thinking about Akira...Until—

"A breathtaking sight, isn't it?" Said an elderly man.

Yamiyo jolted with surprise, and he spun to his left to see a short, old man with olive skin. He held on to a cane of bamboo taller than him, his thin, grey hair tied back into a bun.

With a closer inspection of the gentleman's outfit, the Shadow Guard­ian's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. The man's fashion sense stood out with his unique combination of a thick, dark brown long-sleeved shirt and bil­lowy blue pants.

Samurai attire? Yamiyo tapped his chin.

Yamiyo straightened when he realized he was staring. He fidg­eted with his glasses, the thin metal frames catching the light. He cleared his throat and gave a small nod. "Right." He paused, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of this situation. "Uhh, where did you come from?"

The man's eyes crinkled at the corners, a slow smile spreading on his face. "I live here in the village."

Yamiyo arched an eyebrow, not convinced, but went along to avoid further conversation. Who was he?

The silence between them got too awkward, and Yamiyo preferred not to feel that.

Yamiyo put his hands up in of himself and walked backwards down the hill. "Okay..." He stopped. "Well, enjoy your time here, sir. I'd really like to stay, but someone is waiting on my and — well... I don't want to keep him waiting." He forced a shaky laugh.

It wasn't entirely true, but there was some truth to it. Dr. Takumi would be waiting for him at the herb shop, maybe at home, but Yamiyo didn't have to leave right that second. He just didn't feel like talking to a random person he didn't plan on talking to. But there was something about that man... something — different.

The Shadow Guardian sensed this encounter wasn't a mere co­incidence.

Who was he? What did he want?

Yamiyo stepped, his hands tucked away in his pockets, thinking about that mysterious man. As he walked, he didn't pay attention to his surroundings and bumped into someone in front of him, and stum­bled back. Startled, he pushed himself upright and shook off the sur­prise. When he looked ahead, his eyes widened once he saw who he had knocked over.

Was it...?

Her shiny, raven black hair cascaded past her waist, with straight cut bangs a bit above her eyebrows and framed her face, highlighting her soft beige skin.

Gritting her teeth, she pushed herself up, and as she opened her eyes, their midnight blue color sparkled in the light. Yamiyo's gaze fell to the girl's neckline, and he gasped, recognizing the yin necklace. Could it truly be? It's been five years.

She glanced over at a smashed box of muffins on the snowy ground, crumbs and dried fruit scattered everywhere. She groaned a and rubbed her head.

With a pounding heart, Yamiyo leapt to his feet and rushed to the familiar girl. He inclined his body forward and stretched out his hand. "Akira?" His voice tinged with concern yet excitement. "Akira Hiromitsu?"

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