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"YAMIYO!?" AKIRA YELLED AS SHE rushed down the dark path. Her eyes shifted everywhere but couldn't see any signs of her best friend. "Yaya?"

Akira couldn't help but to feel this was all her fault. She let her anger get the best of her and lashed out at him. Yamiyo didn't deserve that at all. More guilt flooded through her, burning her heart.

"Damn it!" Akira said with a growl and kicked some dirt up. "I just had to yell at him, didn't I..."

She wouldn't blame Yamiyo if he didn't forgive her — she didn't deserve his forgiveness... not after what she did to him. He deserved a better friend.

Akira's friends managed to keep up with her fast pace. She could­n't find the words to talk to them. Yamiyo's safety consumed her thoughts. But Yamiyo was strong – she didn't need to worry about him. But she also didn't want him to be alone.

Not with those thoughts running around in his head.

Akira tripped over something but kept her balance. She looked down with wide eyes and covered her mouth. It was remains of Yamiyo's Shadow crystals.

Someone was here.

Yamiyo fought someone and—

Akira looked around franticly and found Yamiyo's scythe laying on the ground. "Oh no..." she whispered.

"Oh shit..." Netsuto said from beside her.

Akira balled her hands into fists. "Lord Raiden..." She growled. "What the hell is he doing all the way out—" She gasped and looked at the map. "Forbidden! Of course... I should've known... I— I think I just put us all in danger. I didn't even think about Raiden. I thought—" Akira pressed her fingers against her forehead.

"It's all my fault... I— didn't prepare carefully. I didn't plan for Lord Raiden to show up and attack. Now he has Yamiyo and— who knows what he'll do to him?" Her eyes watered as she squeezed the yang pendant. "I'm so sorry, Yamiyo... I'm really sorry."

Akira's heart throbbed as she thought about the amount of pain Yamiyo was going through... how he was suffering more because of her. She rubbed her tears away and wrapped herself in a hug, standing in silence.

Netsuto grabbed Akira's shoulder and she turned to look at him. "Hey, hey, don't be like that." He said. "We all make mistakes."

"Even Hiromitsu's" Kazami added, nudging Akira from her other side.

Akira covered her eyes and shook her head. "Not like this," she said. "Lord Raiden has Yamiyo because of me. If I would've just... left him alone... maybe he would still be here. I don't know."

"He was already leaving, Kir." Netsuto groaned. "Raiden still would have gotten him anyways."

"I should've encouraged him to stay!" Akira snapped. "Instead, I got mad and said I didn't need him..." She looked away. "But I do..."

"We'll get him back." Harumi said, wrapping Akira in a hug. "You said Raiden would be at Forbidden, yeah? What if Yamiyo is there?"

"I don't want to continue without him." Akira said. "I can't."

"Hell no!" Netsuto said. "You ain't giving up over a little mistake."

"You came so far, Kira." Umiji smiled. "Too far to give up now."

Akira looked at her friends, lips trembling. How could they see any­thing else but the failure she's become? She was supposed lead them. Sup­posed to be the Hiromitsu. Supposed to protect Kivvora from danger. And she did the exact opposites of everything.

Akira only brought danger to herself and her friends. Thick fog hung heavily in her mind with Yamiyo's safety being the only thing there.

No... they were right. She did come too far to give up now. If she gave up, she was giving up on saving Yamiyo. She needed to push on— for the sake of Yamiyo.

Akira picked up Yamiyo's scythe and tightened her grip on it. She tucked it between her backpack and back. "Let's find those Stones so we can finally whoop Lord Raiden's ass..." Akira said, her voice low.

Her friends nodded and she walked away, smiling a little to her­self. She hadn't lost everything... they were counting on her. They needed her. Akira let Yamiyo down... she couldn't risk letting her other friends down. Or Kivvora.

After a while, a long house came into view at the end of the path. Madam Magumi's temple. Akira's Light hit the crystal walls, emitting a gentle, blue glow. Akira went to the door, pushed it open, and stepped into a large room.

The walls seemed endless as her footsteps reverberated through the entire temple. As the winds from outside swept through the halls, a soft, hollow melody filled the air.

Madam Magumi's note said she locked the stones behind a spe­cial door, and Akira wandered around until she found it. The door had a kivji symbol on it that read 'Sugita'.

Akira pushed the door open and entered the room – a library. Wide, towering bookshelves surround the room. The raw scent of dust and old books filled the air. Cobwebs hung in every corner and a desk sat under a window at the other end of the library. A dull, shabby rug stretched from the center of the room.

Akira and her friends searched the room. Akira checked the bookcases, trying to find a secret passage, but of course there wasn't. Moaning, she put the books back, sneezing a few times as dust wafted in her face.

While the others continued searching the bookcases, Akira ap­proached the desk, and the floor creaked under the rug. She arched an eye­brow, knelt down, and knocked where the creak sounded. It was hollow.

"You guys?" Akira called out. "I think I found something."

The Guardians stopped their tasks and stood around her. Akira pulled the rug back, picked up the loose floorboard, and found a pastel purple, marble box with a button of the Sugita family seal on top.

Akira pressed the button and the box opened. Seven stones sat within the box in their own compartment. Each stone was smooth, shiny, and en­graved with unique kivji, representing a Core Element.

The Stones of Balance.

There was a dark blue cloth bag inside the floor too. She grabbed it, put the Stones inside, and tied the strings tight. Akira slipped the little bag in her pocket before standing.

"We've got the Stones." She paused and walked toward the door. "Now we save Kivvora... and Yamiyo."

* * *

Lord Raiden stood with his arms crossed behind his back as he looked into Emperor Isamu's video and grinned. Everything was falling into place. Those lousy Guardians had no idea they were doing all the work for him. Now that they had the Stones of Balance, there was no doubt they were on their way here. Good...

But Isamu was confused by Raiden's happiness and stopped the video, shooting him a glare. "That's not the face I was expecting from you, Lord Raiden..." Emperor Isamu said. "Those Guardians are trying to stop your plans and you're smiling."

Lord Raiden chuckled as he shook his head. "It's all part of my plan, master." He said. "I have them right where I want them."

Isamu groaned. "Okay... Do you mind letting me in on this 'plan'?"

"It's a surprise, master." Lord Raiden said. "Let's just say... your free­dom will be very soon."

Emperor Isamu rolled his eyes, sighing. "And what about our pris­oner? The Omagatoki?"

"Yamiyo's still out cold." Lord Raiden said. "He shakes and mumbles in his sleep. By the sounds of it, I'd say he's very easy to break right now." He chuckled. "The Shadow Guardian will surly take our side after I have a few words with him."

"Excellent..." Emperor Isamu purred. "Our forces will be stronger with him." He paused. "I knew you'd be the perfect person to set free me."

Lord Raiden bowed. "Of course I am. I'm a man of my word."

Without a word to Isamu, Lord Raiden made his way to the dun­geon to check on Yamiyo. He should wake up soon... Raiden made sure the attack wasn't too strong. Once Yamiyo awakes, Lord Raiden would break the boy until there was nothing left of that disgusting, determined spirt of his. Until where Yamiyo Omagatoki had no choice be for serve and work for Lord Raiden and Emperor Isamu.

After all, darkness was already in Yamiyo heart.... it just needed a little exploiting.

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