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YAMIYO HELD HIS SCYTHE TIGHT, ready to strike, Akira and his friends beside him. But Raiden and Isamu cackle at this effort. They didn't prepare a counterattack... almost like they didn't want to fight, or we're planning something worse.

Akira raised a hand and Yamiyo lowered his weapon along with the others. Yamiyo, bit his lip while maintain his grip on his scythe, just in case one of those idiots tried anything.

What are you thinking Akira? They could be distracting us...

"It seems my brother taught you well about the code of being a Guard­ian." Isamu grinned. "Rule number two: a Guardian must not attack unless they're attacked, about to be attacked, or if their opponent is armed."

"You're lucky my morals are the only thing keeping you alive." Akira retorted. "So why aren't you attacking? Are you trying to distract us? You gonna beg us for a second chance?"

Lord Raiden shook his head. "I thought I should warn you about something you heroes don't know about." He said, his voice calm and al­most apologetic. "You're fighting the wrong person. The real villain has been with you all along. Am I right... Yamiyo Omagatoki?"

Yamiyo's eyes grew wide, his throat twisting dry as he took in a gentle breath and let it go. He remained silent, knowing all too well where Lord Raiden was going with this.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Akira snapped. "If he were really a villain... he'd..." She stopped to tap her chin. "He'd still be enemies with you because he'd be a better, more successful villain than you."

As much as it pained Yamiyo to view himself as a villain, some­how, Akira viewing him as a better one than Lord Raiden and Isamu, warmed his heart. But it wasn't enough to kick out the anxiety tearing and twisting there.

Raiden glared at Akira, raising an eyebrow before turning to Yamiyo, flashing a smirk. "They don't know?" He purred, voice cruel and condescending. "That's okay. I get it. It's a hard topic to bring up. I'll let them know for you."

"No. Don't." Yamiyo yelled. "They can't know... they—" His eyes brimmed with tears, his voice fading below a whisper. "I need... time to—" He didn't have the strength to finish, his friends now star­ing at him. They looked back at Lord Raiden.

"You seriously tryna manipulate us into believin' Yam's a bad guy right now?" Netsuto said.

A cold claw gripped Yamiyo's heart and his head swirled with darkness. He licked his lips and did his best to hide his shaking hands, almost dropping his scythe.

"Even after everything, you'll still defend this monster?" Raiden sneered. "But he's kept so many secrets from you guys. Especially you, Akira... I thought you two were close."

"Stop talking," Yamiyo whispered."

"Don't forget he attacked you, Kirameku. Oh... and did he ever mention that he killed his own parents?"

That was it.

Yamiyo's hands clutched his head as his heart pounded and his breath came in rapid gasps. Pain engulfed him, suffocating any other feeling or thought. The voices of his parents echoed through the room, their presence overwhelming him like never before.

His body became a vessel for darkness, and a towering pillar of shad­ows erupted outward. As he raised his gaze, he witnessed the alarming events unfolding above, adding to his already overwhelming fear.

His voice echoed through the air, a mix of agony and terror. As the voice ripped through his thoughts, he desperately covered his ears. Straining against the invisible force that held him in place, he let out a series of grunts and panted heavily. His face was a mixture of tears and sweat.

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