SIXTEEN (part 3/3): the next part

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Silence dwelled the ride home. The sound of rattling tracks filling the train. Akira rested her chin on her hand and stared out the window into the dark sky. A quiet, deadly rage rose within her as she thought back to what Lord Raiden told her.

He knew Ayaki. He killed my brother.

But that wasn't the only thing that bothered Akira... It was Lord Raid­en's plan for Kivvora. He didn't specify what it was, but she knew that his plan would only prove destruction.

Raiden was messing around with artificial magic — Chrysalis... This artificial power can cause a shift in the magical bal­ance. No one else is allowed to wield power but Guardians!

Magic is the key to everything in Kivvora. And if this artificial power increases? Akira didn't know... and she didn't want to know. But she wanted to be the one to stop him before things got worse.

She needed more information on him. More infor­mation on what he was doing. But what?

"So? We just gonna let him go?" Netsuto said, breaking the silence. "And that freaky drug he has? We gonna let that go too?"

Akira sighed. "No. Of course not..." she turned to look at the enraged Fire Guardian. "We just – need more time to understand it. Raiden has something big planned." Akira balled her fists in her lap. "I feel – I feel this Chrysalis is only the beginning..."


Yamiyo spoke. "Artificial magic..." He put a finger to his chin. "We need to alert Master Yuuto immediately."

Akira nodded, then turned to the window again.

This is what she wanted her entire life. A bad guy, a mission, saving the world. Right?

But dreams were different from reality...

She's a Light Guardian now, but it didn't make a difference. Doubt filled her head. "Defect" Kazami has called her. And maybe she was right. Maybe Akira is defective... she received her power late, and she can hardly control it, let alone summon it. How can a defective Guardian such as herself save the world from Lord Raiden?

Kazami's voice echoed in her ears. "She's not a Guardian. She's defective."

You're right. I am...

* * *

By the time Akira and the others returned to Yuuto's, it was four thirty in the morning. Master Yuuto was asleep on a blanket pallet in his library when Akira checked. She closed his door gently.

She would tell him what happened later on today.

Everyone went to their rooms once they got in. It's been a long evening from festivities to that creepy encounter with Raiden. But...

Even after all of that, she wasn't tired.

Akira stood in the courtyard and leaned against the house. She should rest, but she couldn't get her mind off Lord Raiden. What did he do to Ayaki? What did he have planned for Kivvora? How could anyone sleep after learning all of that?

The door beside her slid open and she turned toward the door, her eyes widened. "Y-Yamiyo?" She blinked. "I thought you were sleep?"

He smiled, gently. "Can't." He said, sliding the door shut before approaching her. "I was actually looking for you, but you didn't respond when I knocked on your door.." Yamiyo leaned against the wall beside her. "Though, I didn't think you'd be out here."

Akira rolled her eyes with a sigh.  "I just wanted to clear my head from all this Lord Raiden stuff," she turned her head to Yamiyo. "You?"

"No reason." Yamiyo said. "But I do want to talk to you about your brother..."

Akira nodded once. "Okay...?"

"I–I'm sorry about Ayaki." Yamiyo frowned. "Raiden will pay for what he did to him."

Faint tears dripped down her cold cheeks. Yes. Lord Raiden will pay for that. But Kivvora comes first. As a Guardian, it is her responsibility. She pressed a thumb on each of her eyes to dry them.

"It's fine. It's not like it's your fault..."

Yamiyo nudged Akira. "It was brave of you to stand up for us back there."

"Me? Brave?" Akira scoffed. "You pulled your power on the man and threatened his life. That's brave." She crossed her arms, giving a smug smile.

Yamiyo tapped his chin. "I did... didn't I?" He stopped. "Well, he shouldn't have messed with my light..." He held up a fist with triumph in his voice.

Akira smiled and a struggling pale green light flickered. She rolled her hand into a fist, stabilizing the glow. "We can protect each other now."

Yamiyo's silver eyes shimmered with a smile. "You're getting stronger. Great job."

Her light dwindled. "Hmm... not that great. But I'll get better."

Suddenly tired, Akira pushed herself off the wall and went toward the door. "Thanks for talking to me, Ya... I needed that."

Yamiyo nodded, walked toward the door, and slid it open. He let Akira in first and followed her inside. They went to their rooms after that. But, before Akira closed her door, Yamiyo stopped her.

"One last thing... you are not a defect, Aki." He stopped and looked down. "You never were."

Akira smiled then pulled her friend into a hug and squeezed him. She wanted to cry, but she had already cried in front of him outside. But hearing these words meant everything coming from him.

"Thanks," she whispered, then let him go. "G'night, Yaya."

Yamiyo nodded and slid Akira's door shut.

Akira got into bed, pulled the thick covers over her head, and fell right asleep.

Her thoughts still filled with Raiden.

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