SIXTEEN (part 1/3): wanted

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A/N: i'll start adding mini characters profiles in some chapters. the pictures of characters were created by an ai character generator
AN HOUR AND A HALF WENT BY, and Akira was still at the festival. The village still lively in partying and laughter.

A few people went home while a few lucky younger kids got to stay - this probably being the only time of year they got to stay up late.

Even though Shingetsuma is a sixteen-day celebration, Akira didn't want to leave, despite there being no activities left tonight. Being with her best friend, she longed to say a few more hours out with him.

Akira and the Guardians helped clean up Blue Harmony. The villagers still speaking about the blessing, about there being new Guardians, and that they were safer now with them.

Akira grinned to herself. It was a small step and people were already believing in her. (More than her dad ever did). She meant something in the eyes of others. She was somebody.

But she wasn't her dad...

She had to become better than he was. And tonight was the beginning of that wish.

The air grew colder with a slight breeze, nudging Akira's hair, and tickled her face. Once snow fell upon the village, more people return to their homes. Though, some stayed to enjoy the fluffy white flurries.

Akira held open a large grey plastic bag as Yamiyo kneeled in front of her, putting the trash inside. Akira stared at him with a soft smile. His eyes shimmered in the lights and the snow reflected a glow against his face.

"I'm glad we spent time with each other tonight," Yamiyo said. "I haven't had that much fun since... since we've been..."

Akira flinched at Yamiyo's sudden statement and shook her head. "Well, we aren't apart anymore. You don't have to think about that." She said, looking to the side. "Just— let's not leave each other for a long time ever again. Promise?"

"Promise." He  said with a nod, putting the remaining  garbage in the bag. "I believe that's everything."

Akira tied the bag and threw it in the nearest dumpster. Blue Har­mony was a bit cleaner, but it would get dirty again and probably stay that way until the sixteen days of Shingetsuma were over.

As Akira and Yamiyo went to meet up with the others, the remaining villagers smiled and waved at them.

"Thank you, young Guardians. It's been a while since there's been a blessing."

"You guys are actual Guardians? Sweet."

"Kivvora will be safe once again, thanks to you."

"You have brought hope to us tonight."

Akira smiled sheepishly and waved in return. Yamiyo covered his face, hiding from the people around him.

Soon, Akira found the others finishing their part of the village and dumping their trash. Akira waved to them and Netsuto waved back, motioning the others to follow him, and they approached.

"That was fun," Harumi cheered. Her oni face paint had been wiped off. "Can't wait to do it again!"

Umiji nodded. His dragon face paint had also been wiped clean.

Netsuto reached his arms up and yawned loudly. "You guys ain't tired? I'm pooped." He crossed his arms and laughed. "But hey, that blessin' ceremony was pretty badass, Kir." He said and punched Akira's shoulder. "You made it daytime for a few secs."

Akira smiled and rubbed behind her neck. "Well... I didn't mean to do that."

Netsuto winked, elbowing her in the ribs. "It was still cool though!"

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