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THE STORM WAS AT IT'S strongest as Akira and her friends approached Forbidden. As the dark energy enclosed her, her blood grew dense and cold.

She shuddered.

This is the pain Lord Raiden wanted her to feel. Wanted all of Kivvora to feel. The others had been affected also, their eyes dull with weakness.

When she came to a stop, Akira looked up and her mouth fell open in a gasp—

The palace was enormous, walled by towers made of the deepest black stones. But that isn't what worried Akira. A huge glow of darkness pulsed from the windows of the tallest tower. Yamiyo was somewhere in there. And with all that dark energy mixed with his cur­rent mental state?

Akira didn't want to fear the worst for him and hoped his mind was still his own.

As the surrounding anguish intensified, Akira grunted and shook her head in frustration. "We're here, Yamiyo," she whispered. "Hang in there."

Akira nodded to her friends, and as they proceeded, a blast of lightning struck the ground, crackling with multiple volts, while thunder boomed overhead.

Bouncing back, Akira took charge and instructed the Guardians to stay on high alert. Black clouds hovered low above the ground, sizzling with lightning before evaporating into—

Akira took a step back, unblinking. What the hell are these things?

There was an entire army of them. They were physical, hulking beats made up of black storm clouds with deep violet and red lighting, mirroring the sky. Their eyes were small, glowing yellow slits, their large mouths filled with jagged fangs.

"The hell? Are these like the upgraded storm servants we fought back in Rotasu?" Netsuto grunted as he slipped into a stance, wielding his katana.

"I guess we can call them that." Akira said, unsheathing her swords and twirled them in her hands. "Let's give 'em everything we've got."

The storm servants moved with inhuman speed. Akira's hands cracked as she tightened her grip on her weapons and spun. She sliced through two servants, their black blood spilling and shrieks piercing the air.

As the two reverted into clouds, a servant lunged at her from the side, its claws seeking to tear into her flesh.

With another spin, Akira summoned her Light, its warmth pulsing through her hands. She charged her blades with her power and jabbed them both into the lone servant's face.

It screeched as Akira focused all her strength on making her blades burn brighter.

With one final, unfinished cry, the servant exploded, sending a handful of its comrades back, spraying the black ooze everywhere.

Akira took a sharp breath in, placing a hand on her chest, half-hyperventilating. She never fully regained her strength after fainting in the valley. Shaking her head, she gathered the might to push through and carry on.

She had to...

No matter if she wasn't strong enough yet. She had to fight... it's what Huang would have done.

Akira looked around. There were too many and they came from every direction. Her friends were struggling with the enemies against them, sending their elements through their weapons, and turning the servants back into storm clouds, splattering black blood on the ground.

Before Akira and the Guardians could catch a breath, more storm servants came from all around... and multiplied.

It was impossible to fight these things separately. It was as bad as splitting up on a mission. Akira looked at her hands and closed them tightly.

The Legacy of Guardians - Kivvora Heroes: Guardians & DestinesWhere stories live. Discover now