THIRTY-FIVE (part 2/5): sit back and take a break

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Akira's alarm blared and she groaned, feeling her phone on the nightstand, already knowing what time it was. Too damn early to be training. But today, Emperor Shiro canceled training. They were instructed to help with the preparations for Lienna's birthday and coronation tomorrow. That was a little better than training.

Once she finally silenced her alarm, Akira pushed herself up right on her bed and stretched with a yawn. She turned her gaze to Yamiyo, huddled under the blankets, sleeping. Even while he slept, he didn't look well.

He shifted to another side with a faint whimper, curling deeper into the fetal position, his eyes twitching and hands tucked under his chin. He was in pain... dreaming....

Akira rubbed his face with the back of her hand, and he flinched, slowly opening his eyes.


Akira frowned. "You feeling okay? Having nightmares or something?"

"I'm – fine... just... I'm just tired..." He mumbled with his eyes shut.

Akira knew he was lying to her— she could clearly see that Yamiyo was far from fine. But she went along with it, thinking back to what Kazami said about 'waiting for him to speak first... don't pry because it could make him uncomfortable'.

Akira smirked. "I know what will get you up." She sang. "A sweet cof­fee?"

He opened his eyes, pleading. "Coffee?"

"Only if you get up."

Yamiyo pushed himself up with a grunt then sighed a chuckle. "You're really bribing me, aren't you?" He said. "You're still getting coffee, right?"

Akira snorted as she got out of bed. "Course I am."

She grabbed her clothes for the day, smiling at Yamiyo over her shoul­der. "You should get ready soon." She said and closed the bathroom door.

* * *

Akira and Yamiyo patrol Rotasu together. The others were already gone and around somewhere in the city, while most of the guards were decorating the city along with the helping hands of some children. So far, nothing out of the ordinary. Akira was thankful, but the darkness in the south remained.

Silver and pastel purple streamers fluttered in the wind, catching the sunlight. It reminded Akira of Lienna's dress, which was probably the look the Emperor Shiro was going for. Matching the colors of the streamers, lanterns were strung from lamppost to lamppost in a zig zag pattern and swayed in the breeze.

The fronts of homes and stores were decorated with hanging li­lacs and lotuses, and people couldn't stop talking about Lienna's birth­day and coronation tomorrow.

After patrolling the city, Akira went to a cafe and ordered a sweet coffee with blueberry muffin for Yamiyo. For herself, she ordered a strawberry smoothie and a spicy sushi roll.

The store bell jingled as Akira stepped out of the cafe. She looked around, finding Yamiyo sitting at one of the tables outside, dozing off with his cheek cupped in a hand. Akira made her way over to him and took a seat.

Akira nudged Yamiyo and he straightened, turning his gaze to her. "As promised." Akira placed the warm, extra sweet cup of coffee and a fresh blueberry muffin in front of Yamiyo. "That should help," Akira said. "Don't worry about paying me back, it's on me."

"You didn't have to do this, Aki..." Yamiyo said.

Akira opened her tray of sushi and picked a piece up with a single chopstick. "Course I did." She said. "You seem out of it a lot lately. It's the least I can do to make you feel better. Plus, I promised you a coffee. I never break a promise."

Akira raised the chopstick to her mouth, and the sushi stuck to it crumbled, spilling rice and fish on the table. "Dammit!"

Yamiyo snickered and Akira looked up at him. He stopped, pursing his lips, but a faint smile cracked. Seconds later, he burst into laughter. Akira couldn't help but join him.

"It was the look of utter disappointment," Yamiyo said between laughs. "The face you made when you realized." He stopped to catch a breath, still giggling. "And then, you were eating it with one chopstick and got mad at it."

Akira continued laughing with her friend, and when she looked at his eyes, they lighten up a bit. Even though he still looked tired, his eyes had some life in them. Akira couldn't remember the last time she heard Yamiyo laugh like this. Akira was glad to bring her friend some joy. Even if it would be temporary. She helped Yamiyo laugh.

Yamiyo rested his chin on his hands, staring at Akira. "You really are the Guardian of Light..."

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