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EVERYONE DIDN'T MAKE IT INTO palace once Ayaki attacked. And more people fell victim to his Storms, enslaved by their anguish. Master Yuuto couldn't do anything for them now. No one could. Kivvora's only hope now were for his students to stop Lord Raiden and Isamu, and seal them in Yomikuni.

Master Yuuto gazed down from a window, observing the civil­ians outside as they moved about in a dazed and directionless manner. Dark energy spread fast throughout Kivvora, and it grew to a sinister threat. Despite Yuuto's vigorous efforts, his feeble Energy proved ineffective at countering it.

No. My students.

They were deep in the root of where this was coming from. With every prayer, he pleaded for their safety, fearing the possibility that they too, had transformed into the servants outside. While his Guardian's strengths were formidable, dark energy had a mysterious ability to silently warp the mind without detection. But that can't happen. They had to prevail. They had to.

The prophecy his mother wrote (likely years before he was born). said so. She knew they would win this fight. But what if fate changed within those generations? Destiny had a creative, sometimes inconsiderate way of changing... and that scared Master Yuuto the most.

A presence from behind made Master Yuuto snap out of his thoughts, realizing that someone was approaching him. He turned around, his brow wrinkled in a mix of surprise and concern. "Captain Kaneko? You should be resting."

The captain nodded. "I'm alright, sir. You don't need to worry." He said. "I just wanted to let you know that... well." He hesitated, his voice trailing off with unease. "Ayaki... vanished."

Master Yuuto blinked. "What?"

"He's gone. The other guards said he left once everyone retreated to the palace. Said they saw him heading toward the south, but they're not too sure."

Master Yuuto's eyes widened. "My Guardians are out there." He gazed out the window. "They are already facing Lord Raiden and soon my brother. I don't know if they can overpower three men consumed by evil. It'll be too much. They haven't reached Evolution and beast chi will only get them so far. Two of my students still don't have control over their emotions which will harm their power if they reach a breaking point."

"I'm sure they will be okay, sir," Hansuke said. "If I know anything about Guardians, I know they are powerful, determined beings." He frowned. "Ayaki was when he was... here."

Master Yuuto held a breath, silently mourning the fallen Strom Guard­ian. "You two were close?"

"Yeah..." His laugh was shaky. "Even though he hated me at times... we were good friends."

"I never got to know Ayaki." Master Yuuyo sighed and gave the captain a sympathetic smile. "But I know he was a great kid before he passed."

Hasuke approached the window and placed a hand on the glass. "He was strong... feisty. He cared about the ones he loved. Even with that evil inside him. He fought for his life and for the good of Kivvora." He exhaled, then turned to Master Yuuto, his expression searing with hope. "If Ayaki did that... I'm sure your Guardians can do the same against this darkness too."

With an uncertain grunt, Master Yuuto smoothed his beard. "Let's hope destiny stands with us."

* * *

Akira and the other Guardians kept exploring Forbidden, searching for the room with the columns and Yamiyo. While walking down the corridor, Akira glimpsed outside through the windows at the bleak sky, the storm showing no signs of waning anytime soon.

The old windows continued to shake and rattle under the persis­tent wind, as the empty halls echoed with haunting howls. Akira and her friends pushed forward, their footsteps echoing through the hall­way, until she stopped in front of two imposing black doors. Her heart skipped a beat as faint voices drifted from the other side.

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