EIGHTEEN (part 1): out of control

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THE LIGHT GUARDIAN STOOD AT the center of a dimly lit room. She was alone. Lord Raiden sat at his desk ahead of her with a malicious smile on his lips. The evil in his eyes – those shining yellow irises, glinted under the dim lights.

Akira balled her fists. Heat rushed to her head and her heart thumped in her throat. Fear. Anger. Stress. She shouldn't have come here alone... but she wanted to end Lord Raiden for what he did to Ayaki.

A low chuckle sounded from Lord Raiden's throat. "You're trying aw­fully hard to be the hero here, aren't you?" He seethed and leaned back in his seat. "Have you changed your mind about our... last chat?"

Akira snarled then took a step closer to him. "Like hell I did," she snapped swaying her arm to the side. "I'm here for what you did to my brother."

Lord Raiden grinned. "Oh..." he paused. "That." He chuckled again. "Look... I've already told you... it wasn't my fault. Ayaki hated himself so much and wanted more power. He should have told me about the poison. I wouldn't have given it to him. I'm not the monster you think I am..." His voice was calm. But this calm didn't sit well with Akira. His voice sent a harsh coldness through her blood.

"If you gave me a chance, Akira Hiromitsu — you never know... we could be friends. We're both alike in so many ways. We have so much in common."

Her Light boiled deep within her soul. "We are nothing alike." Akira hissed. "I'm not the one who murdered someone innocent."

Her power rose higher and higher. She bit down on it, controlling it the best she could, saving the power to release it. She could do this now?

Lord Raiden shook his head. "Funny you assume your brother was innocent... he's done many horrible things." He pressed. "I'm sure you witnessed an attack or two from that poison that was in his blood."

His eyes flashed. He was trying to get her angry, and he was choosing all the right words to do so.

"It wasn't his fault. Deep down, Ayaki knew it wasn't him, but — it was hard for him." She raised her voice, her skin now burning with her power ready to erupt from her. "My brother had a good heart, and even when I was little, I still felt the goodness in him. He never wanted to hurt anyone. Ever."

Lord Raiden grinned. "And yet he came to me for a push..." He teased. "Sorry, Akira, but that goodness was long gone before my at­tempt to make him stronger failed..." He chuckled. "It was a sight... watching him struggle against the power until his final breaths. And the Guardian's call themselves heroes... tsk, tsk... Where were they when he was suffering? Your parents did nothing to save their own son... and now Kivvora is left without a Core Element."

Akira's breathing increased and her chest burned and froze with rage. Her skin now hot to the touch, she was holding back so much of her power - waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Lord Raiden's dark twisted eyes and that smug ass smile glimmered. "If Ayaki loved you at all, he would have come back for you instead of coming to me. He would still be alive." He leaned forward in his seat and rested an arm on his desk.

"You are also to blame for his death. If you loved him any, you would have come found him. Maybe even... stopped me from 'killing' him as you see it?" He stopped. "It's your fault he's dead..."

Akira growled and let her power erupt from her being. Pale green light illuminated the room, and her body was on fire. But there was no pain— outside the pain she wore from Lord Raiden's words as they echoed in her head. 

"It's your fault he's dead..."

She launched her Light at Lord Raiden, but he wasn't there anymore. She shouted through her teeth and destroyed his desk with a blast of Light, the green glow illuminating the room again.

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