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AKIRA FOLLOWED BEHIND THE OTHER Guardians and Master Yuuto as they made their way to the train station. The thought of the threat would not leave her mind and she could only think of the worst-case scenarios. It wasn't very Guardian-like of her. She tried calming herself by taking in her surroundings.

The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow across the sky, the rays caressing Akira's light beige face in a gentle hug. It was warm­ing up quick during these last days of winter. As Akira breathed in the crisp air, the delicate scent of blooming flowers surrounded her. In the distance, birds chirped and sang. The gentle rustling of sakura petals filled her ears as she watched them dance around her in the breeze.

Shizukana must be breathtaking during the spring. Akira imag­ined what she was experiencing now was just a taste of the full season coming in just a few days. Akira still didn't feel better after that.

Yamiyo stayed behind with her, but he didn't say much. Akira looked up at her friend — something was still on his mind. He looked lost in thought... like he was here but... wasn't. Although he didn't show it well, Akira could tell Yamiyo was afraid about the threat too, but she also sensed that's not all that he was fearing.

Something moved Akira to speak, but she stopped herself. She didn't want to pry. If silence is what Yamiyo wanted, she would give it to him. But deep down, she knew she should say something. She needed to talk, and Yamiyo needed to talk to her. They're friends. Yamiyo shouldn't have to hide from her. Whatever was going on with him, Akira would understand.

"What do you think it is? The threat, I mean," Yamiyo spoke, breaking the silence.

Akira jolted and turned to her friend who was looking straight ahead as he walked. His ivory skin and white hair glowing under the fading sun­light, his glasses reflecting the light. Sakura blossoms falling around him.

Akira looked ahead again, gripping onto the straps of her backpack. "I'm kinda scared just thinking about it," she said. "Let's just hope it stays away."

As they walked through the crowds, people were still talking about the night Harumi was kidnapped, and how they let it happen. Hearing this over and over again made Akira want to punch a hole through a wall.

We didn't let her get kidnapped... that power drained us. We couldn't act fast enough.

The crowds said their fair share of horrible things about the other Guardians... but with Akira? People said the most awful things about her and spoke about her the most.

"The defective Guardian", "The wannabe", "The failed and worthless Guardian".

Maybe this is why she felt the way she did about the threat on Rotasu... the world didn't believe in her. How was she supposed to be con­fident in protecting Kivvora is no one here believed in her?

Yamiyo grabbed her shoulder, looking in the direction of the gossiping crowd. "Ignore them," he whispered. "It isn't worth getting mad at them."

Akira clenched her jaw, balling her fists. She took a deep breath, looked away from the crowd, and continued her way to the train station.

When she arrived, Akira leaned against a wall with her arms crossed. She looked at Yamiyo who copied her and had a little smirk on his face, probably finding humor in mimicking her stance.

"If the worse were to come," he paused to look at her, his silver eyes gleaming in the light. "Saving the world with you sounds like a nice thought."

"I thought saving the world and being a Guardian was more about honor. Not thoughts, daydreams, or fun." Akira teased.

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