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LORD RAIDEN DESCENDED FROM HIS storm cloud, landing on the ground with a subtle thud. As he made his way towards Rotasu Palace, Em­peror Isamu trailed behind him, the sound of his footsteps echoing. Raiden summoned a ball of lightning, crackling the air with thunder, and launched it, blasting open the massive doors.

On the other side, Emperor Shiro Kagyua stood with his family and the palace residents, huddled together, their faces filled with sa­voury fear. The sight almost filled him with regret. Lord Raiden's ma­licious cackle pierced the silence; everyone here was at his mercy. One blast would turn them into his storm servants and give him control over Kivvora.

"Ah... it feels great to be back here for all the wrong reasons," Lord Raiden sneered. "Your majesty. Did you miss me? It's been a long time..." Lord Raiden bowed toward Emperor Shiro.

"I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting, Raiden," Shiro said, calmly.

Lord Raiden's eyes filled with surprise as he stood up from his bow. He frowned. "Is that so? Was I really that easy to forget? You hate me that much? Remember the one you abandoned? The one you didn't give a chance, the one who you dismissed instead of supporting." Violet lightning crackled and surged through Lord Raiden's body. "Recognize me now?"

Emperor Shiro's jaw dropped in disbelief and Lord Raiden couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction.

"Hiromitsu...? Ayaki Hiromitsu?"

"Akira's brother is Lord Raiden?" Master Yuuto blinked. "Ayaki, this isn't the way, and you know it. Consider what your parents would think if they saw you this way."

"Spare me your right and wrong wisdom bullshit — you know nothing about my struggles, old man." Raiden growled and shouted. "And the name is Lord Raiden now."

Master Isamu joined Lord Raiden. "Yuuto... it's been a while, brother."

"Isamu... you are not supposed to be here..." Master Yuuto growled. "Before my Guardians get back, we will do everything we can to stop you."

"Oh, they won't be coming back... at least not soon enough." Isamu said.

"Kivvora will be ours before they return." Raiden laughed. "Hope all want... but it would really be... hopeless. How does it feel to know that the kids you trained so hard ends up failing their first mission as Guardians."

"You know your sister is as persistent as you are and will never back down. Don't underestimate her just because you two are on opposite sides." Master Yuuto said.

Damn, he's right.

No matter, this was enough to keep him motivated. With a cackle, Raiden gestured with his hands and conjured a huge, swirling black cloud, flickering with powerful violet lightning. With a forceful command, a tempest erupted from his very core, spreading its chaotic energy throughout the palace, and magnifying the raging storm outside.

The fear from everyone filled him with strength and courage. Espe­cially the fear from Shiro Kaguya, the man who did nothing to help or un­derstand him. Yes, fear me...

Kivvora belonged to him now, and there was no one left to stand in his way or aid the defenceless people. Accept for—

The Guardians...

He thought hard about what Yuuto said about Akira and her re­silience. Of course, Raiden couldn't have defeated her — she could be on her way and with her team as of now. He groaned and looked out the window and kept his guard up for when Akira arrived.

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