TWENTY (part 3): anger

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Akira followed Netsuto into the courtyard and the two Guardians just stood at the center. Akira crossed her arms and groaned from impatience. Flames licked Netsuto hands and blasted them upward, setting the air ablaze. He took a stance and threw a fist, then another - took a step forward into another stance, repeating the punching. The Fire above followed his movements.

He had complete control over his element. As much of a joker Netsuto was, he was very, very skilled with his power.

Akira gazed at the dancing flame with wide eyes, the light and warmth of the fire reflecting on her light beige face, wondering when she would be in tuned with her power like this.

She continued watching Netsuto's Fire until he made it vanish.

Akira smiled. "That was neat," she said. "Didn't know someone like you could perform something as graceful as that."

"Oh, shuddup!" He rolled his eyes. "I was just demonstratin' somethin' to you. Did you even pay attention?"

"You made fire dance in the sky," she said. "Yes, I paid attention." She crossed her arms.

Netsuto shook his head. "I did do that... but you missed one detail. Emotion."

Akira tilted her head. "Emotion? What do you mean?"

Netsuto smiled. "Our powers are the same in a way. We're both hot heads. We both generate a bunch of heat, naturally makin' us short tempered." He said. "And with our power — anger ain't good. It makes our element hard to control."

Akira dropped her arms at her sides.

"Master Yuuto told me this when he found me and took me in for trainin' last year." Netsuto continued. "I was way different then — nothing like I am now. I useta have a lot of anger toward my mom... and I still do. I get my Fire from her. Most of my childhood, she's forced me to use my power, never let me sleep until I'd impressed her enough. My dad let it happen... he didn't know what to do."

"Honestly, I don't wanna be a Guardian... but I know I was given these powers to protect for a reason... and that I'm meant to help the helpless." He looked to the side for a moment. "But I don't let it get the best of me anymore 'cause I'll lose control over my Fire. But back then... I was just like you. Trying my best to be the best. Pushing myself to the limits. Angry at myself, at my mom which only fueled my Fire in the worst ways ever."

Netsuto laughed a little. "I couldn't control my powers. And there were times when I couldn't stand the heat when my own power would hurt me."

He looked back at Akira. "But I'm better now. Yuuto helped me calm down and taught me that anger isn't a virtue of being a Guardian and that's why my power went against me," he said. "Anger isn't the way. Neither is desperation."

He gave Akira a friendly punch. "You've got guts. Probably more than any of us here. You don't hafta be hard on yourself, Kir."

Akira blinked. She never saw this side of Netsuto. Never even knew he had this side to him. She took a deep breath then exhaled. Netsuto wasn't wrong. Akira was angry. She was furious.

Angry at herself for not being able to control her powers. For never being strong enough or good enough for her parents - for the world. Angry her parents abandoned her. Who would've known this was holding her back from controlling her power?

"If ya clear your head of the things that tick you off, the more control you have over your Light." Netsuto said. "Go on. Try it."

Akira focused on her breathing, and the sounds of the gentle, cold winds outside. Focus... She told herself. Let go of your anger... She breathed. Let go of your anger...

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