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LORD RAIDEN STOOD ON THE topmost balcony of his home and ob­served the world below him. Masuda arrived before daybreak, clutching a single scroll. That's all he found after being absent for a day and a half?

Well, anything was better than nothing. Raiden hoped it held sig­nificance. He stepped inside, arms tucked behind his back, as he made his way to greet his accomplished colleague.

Jiro's throat bobbed as he extended the document to Raiden, in­clining his head forward. "It isn't much sir... but I believe it could be somewhat helpful."

Lord Raiden grinned before taking the scroll. He moved aside, allowing his assistant to walk before him. "We'll discuss it in my office, Masuda." he said, following beside him. "If it could be some use... then it's already worthy information."

When they arrived at his office, he opened the door, letting Jiro enter first. Raiden turned the lights on and took a seat at his desk in the center of the room, leaning back in his chair. Jiro sat in one of the smaller chairs in front, resting his elbows on the surface.

Lord Raiden rolled out the scroll, long ways across the desk and eyed it. Analyzed it. Everything was written in ancient kivji. He sighed through his nose. Of course it was in ancient kivji. The only thing translated were the words near the top of the parchment.

The Order of Guardians.

Lord Raiden grinned. He initially asked Jiro for information on Ele­mental Magic, but he found something much better. Something more worthy to move forward with his plan.

He kept his eyes down, trying to make sense of the little drawings and kivji in old black paint. This scroll was ancient... a few millennia old.

Lord Raiden turned his attention to his assistant. "Jiro. Where did you find this?"

He formed a smirk, looking at his nails. "A display at a library waiting for me to swipe."

"Well done, Masuda," said Lord Raiden. "You never fail to impress me."

His colleague blinked. "But it's not what you asked for."

"No," Lord Raiden began, and a devious smile tugged at his lips. "You brought me something far greater."

He pressed his hands against his desk. "The Order of Guardian's is a sacred Code. This Code is the source of Guardian magic. And once I decipher the code... discover its significance, the rule of Guardians would be abol­ished."

Lord Raiden rolled the scroll up and put it away in one of his desk drawers. From another drawer, he grabbed a heavy pouch of gold coin. The bag jiggled and made a clanking sound as it landed in front of his assistant.

"Your pay in triple... as promised."

Jiro grabbed the bag, then stood. He leaned his head forward into a bow. "Thank you, milord. If you need anything else from me, just send the word."

Lord Raiden dismissed his assistant with a nod. Jiro bowed his head again before leaving his office. After the door shut, Lord Raiden took out the scroll and examined it once more.

The Order of Guardians.

According to legend, the Order of Guardians is a key to great power.

He needed to find how to crack that Code.

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