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OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS, Akira control over her Light improved thanks to Netsuto's tips. Each day, she did what he told her to do. Let go of her anger. Whatever it was toward, she couldn't let it get the best of her or else she will lose control over her power.

Slowly, controlling her power became second nature. And she felt herself getting stronger. But Akira knew she had a lot to work on after mastering her power, like learning beast chi. She had to work on that and controlling her power. That was the challenge.

Yamiyo hasn't trained over these past days. He's been sick but it wasn't anything contagious. He's been having really bad headaches and every time he summoned his power, he got dizzy.

After training, Akira went his room with pain medicine, tea, and some food. (She's been doing this for him for the past few days). She gave Yamiyo a weak smile and set the tray on his desk. Akira went over to him and felt his head and neck, he flinched with an inaudible grunt.

"You're still a little warm— but not as bad as yesterday." she frowned. "How are you feeling today?"

"Dizzy..." He stopped and pushed himself up. His voice was so weak. "My head is killing me." He rested his head on his hand.

Akira went over to the desk, poured a dose of the medicine, and grabbed the frozen towel. She gave Yamiyo the little cup and wrapped the towel around the back of his neck. He winced and hissed as soon as she put the cloth on him.

"Sorry," she said, quickly. "It'll bring your temperature down." She looked at her friend swishing around the liquid in the little cup. He stared at it for a while. What's he thinking about?

Akira smiled. "You should take it now if you want the pain to stop."

Yamiyo blinked. "Huh?" He looked at her, his ivory face flushed red. He looked back at the medicine. "Oh... right." He went silent and tilted his head back, swallowing the medicine. His face twisted with disgust. "Why is it so bitter?"

"It's going to make you feel better." Akira teased.

Yamiyo shook his head with a chuckle. "You always make me feel better when you're around." He looked away. "Sorry for not training with you the in the past five days." He stopped, looking back at Akira. "Are you getting any better controlling your power?"

Akira grinned. "See for yourself."

She channeled her power with ease, without a struggle. A small orb of pale green light floated in front of her. She moved her hand in one direction, and it followed. She tapped her fingers together and dragged them apart and the light expanded with her hands. Akira low­ered her hands to her lap and her Light faded.

Yamiyo stared at her. "That was great. You've been making some progress."

Akira shrugged, rubbing the back of her neck. "Hmm... I still need to work on controlling it a little more." She smiled and nodded at him. "I'll get better at it."

Yamiyo grunted, pressing a hand on his forehead. Akira frowned, he seemed to be getting worse. But Yamiyo smiled through. "Don't worry about me. I'll be okay." He said. His eyes were puffy, runny, and red.

"You don't look 'okay' to me – you look really sick."

Yamiyo was quiet. "I think it's from not being in control of my pow­ers. I've been using more power than I should... and when I want to stop, it's a struggle to stop them." He admitted.

Akira lifted an eyebrow. "Do you want to tell Master Yuuto? He could have a solution to this."

But Yamiyo shook his head and laid down. "No... and please... don't tell him either. He might start questioning why I'm losing control over my Shadows."

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