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THE DARKNESS MADE THE MISSION feel like it was lasting a lifetime.

Akira's Light flickered over the map, locating a forest. As she scanned the horizon, she spotted a forest drawing near. Akira let out a sigh of relief, reassured that she hadn't gotten lost.

Yamiyo still seemed off and more afraid than ever. She couldn't help but to think what was going on, what was he keeping from her? He walked beside her, keeping his gaze low, his arms wrapped around himself, squeezing his arms.

Akria faced forward again, but not forgetting what she saw in her friend. He'll come around. He had to. She needed him. Not just for the battle, but because of his friendship. She just wanted Yamiyo to be okay and trust her to tell her anything. Maybe he didn't trust her... maybe he was mad at her for the distance over the last five years.

Not that it was in any other their control, but it could have stirred some kind of emotional pain or something.

Akira frowned as she thought about it longer. He probably was mad at her... she probably wasn't a good friend. Akira didn't blame Yamiyo either. He probably didn't want to be her friend anymore and just didn't know how to tell her.

That's why he couldn't tell her. It had to be the reason.

Akira placed her hand over the yang pendant and squeezed it. No... they were unbreakable. Bonded forever. But Akira couldn't shake the thought of Yamiyo hating her. She dried her eyes before the tears came and continued walking through the forest. She looked over her shoulder to check on the others, and they were following her and seemed okay.

When Akira faced forward again, something swirling, whooshed past her. It was black clouds — they were everywhere. She channeled her Light and threw it at the clouds but couldn't break them.

Her eyes widened as a slow growing pain grew in her head. She whim­pered, gripping her head. Scary thoughts formed in her mind, and she screamed as she backed up. Her surroundings flickered from the forest to a dark void, and back to the forest again.

She steadied her breathing, looking around to see if the others were okay. They were on the ground, groaning and gasping, eyes widened with fear. Akira looked to Yamiyo, he seemed to be in the most pain, but he remained standing, but his body shook, his hands clutching his head as his breathing became more ragged.

Akira called out to the others, but they didn't respond. It was like they were in a trance. They couldn't hear her. Akira winced as the pain grew, her surroundings flashed to that dark void again.

She tried using her Light again to break it, but her power didn't re­spond. Her body trembled, her thoughts spiraling into nothing.

She turned back to Yamiyo who was now on the ground, shaking. He covered his ears, clenching his jaw. What did he hear?

Akira struggled to get closer to Yamiyo but she collapsed to her side. She clamped her eyes shut as the black clouds entered her head.

A familiar voice called Akira and she blinked her eyes open. She sat up looking around the void. The voice was low and gentle as it called to her again and a familiar face came closer to her.

Akira gasped and tried getting away, but she couldn't move. She couldn't feel her heart and her stomach knotted. "Ayaki..." She mouthed, almost whispering.

"My sweet sister," Ayaki spoke. "It's been so long, hasn't it."

Akira couldn't hold tears back this time and they came flowing down her cheeks. She closed her eyes, covered her ears, but still saw everything in her mind. She shivered and whimpered at the pain clutching in her heart. "No..." she whispered.

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