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HE SAT IN THE MIDDLE of his room, arms wrapped around his legs, chin resting on his knees. His moonlit gaze wide and shaking and as entire body froze yet gave to slight tremors.

What would she think of me if I told her?

I can't tell her...

I can never tell her...

The dual voice returned to his mind and louder this time. "It doesn't matter if you tell your little friend or not... soon she will see you as the monster you truly are..."

Yamiyo clamped his eyes. "Stop talking," he mumbled into his knees.

They cackled and he gritted his teeth. "You cannot get rid of us, Yamiyo Omagatoki. There's no escaping your past. And it's just a matter of time before you show everyone in Kivvora just how evil you are..."

His heart thumped in his throat as nausea washed over him. The image replayed clearly through his thoughts. And no matter what he did, there was no shaking this memory away.

* * *

It snowed a lot that day in December...

A chilling breeze added to the frigid air and the scent of burning firewood accompanied it. The hid somewhere behind the foggy clouds, scattered across the icy blue sky.

Yamiyo Omagatoki was ten years old. Today, he would learn more about his power and prepare himself for when his time to take his father's place as the Shadow Guardian.

The young boy scurried up the mountain, his messy white hair bouncing with him. He reached the top before his parents did and was proud of himself for that. He pushed his big glasses upon his face and beamed when his parents made it to the top.

His father, Yomiro Omagatoki stood on his left. His mother, Tsukage Omagatoki stood at his right. The ten-year-old looked at his parents back and forth for their approval. For instructions on what to do.

"Go ahead, Yamiyo," said Yomiro, his voice soothing. "Use your power."

Yamiyo hesitated.

'Use his power...'

He's used it before when he showed his closest friend what he could do... Why was it different now? Why was he so afraid? The young boy swallowed his fear then—

Shadows swirled around Yamiyo's hands, following exactly how his father taught him. 'Reach inside - pull it forward - then, release.'

But that was the difference.

This time Yamiyo wasn't using his powers for fun. His parents were watching. He was using his powers for a greater purpose. To become a hero just like his father. And that was a purpose he couldn't fail.

The Shadows diminish from his hands. He grunted and kicked up some snow. "Maybe I'm not meant to be a Guardian... or a hero..." He looked down. "Maybe I'm not good enough."

"Of course you are, my moon..." Tsukage said, lifting his chin up to meet her opal gaze. "Don't ever think that. You will always be worthy."

His father nodded. "You have these powers for a reason, Yamiyo. These powers are yours as well as mine to possess and pro­tect."

Yomiro waved a hand and Shadows spiral around it. He closed a fist and the coil of darkness vanished. The father continued with: "You are a Guard­ian in training, my son. I don't expect you to get it right away."

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