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DAMN AYAKI HIROMITSU, YOU ARE downright awful..." Isamu chuckled from behind Lord Raiden. "Even with your twisted heart, I wouldn't think you'd manipulate your own sister like that."

Lord Raiden shook his head. "That's not my name anymore," he hissed. "And while we're on the topic of twisting hearts... weren't you twisted mine?"

"I did nothing of the sort," Isamu snapped.

Lord Raiden growled. "You poisoned my blood with your... twisted-voodoo-evil-ancient magic. You took my family away from m—"

"And where were they when you fell ill to my poison?"

Lord Raiden sighed. "My parents didn't do anything but leave. And Akira... she was too young to understand what I was going through. I was alone. No one wanted to help." Lord Raiden said, growling. "Until you wel­comed me... master."

Lord Raiden shut his eyes, pressing a hand to his head, and winced as memories resurfaced.

Memories he thought he pushed back far enough so they'd become nonexistent. He didn't want to remember anything about his past as Ayaki Hiromitsu.

Revealing himself to Akira must have brought back these thoughts.

* * *

Twelve years ago...

Under the scorching heat of the blazing sun, the air was thick and stifling, surpassing the hottest Kivvora summer. The forest breeze couldn't cool this day off. But that didn't bother Ayaki Hiromitsu, a cheerful and eager twelve-year-old, because today was a special day for him. A day dedicated to train­ing his powers alongside his father, Huang Hiromitsu, the top Guardian of all Kivvora.

Ayaki felt fortunate to have Huang as his dad. It gave him a sense of safety and courage. Villains and wrongdoers knew better than to cross paths with a Hiromitsu, and Ayaki took pride in that fact. The boy was determined to uphold the esteemed Hiromitsu name at any cost. Being the son of a renowned figure like his father filled the boy with a deep desire to prove himself worthy of becoming his successor.

He wore two bandages on his neck, one on his chin, and tight wraps around his wrists. Fresh bruises covered his arms and cheeks. His mom, Naniko, told him not to play so rough outside, but he did so anyway.

His peers often teased him about his scrawny frame and would pick fights with Ayaki. When he fought back, he'd lose, but he would give it his all, returning home with impossible-he-survived-those scars.

Butterflies danced in the sky, looping around in mesmerizing cir­cles. Ayaki's messy black hair clung to his sweaty, light beige face. Ex­citement flickered in his deep violet eyes, but he tried to remain calm and mature in front of his dad.

Ayaki followed Huang through the forest and stopped once he came to a clearing. A smug smile spread across his face as he looked at his dad, who mirrored the same expression.

It was time to start his training.

Huang Hiromitsu charged his body in a huge yellow glow and blasted arrows of Light at Ayaki. The young boy sidestepped them with ease. He channeled Storms into his fists and fired violet lighting at his dad, who of course, dodged that flimsy strike.

Instead, his lightning struck a nearby tree, filling the air with the smell of burning wood. Thank kivamis it wasn't strong enough to start a fire. Ayaki laughed, feeling a warmth spread across his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, it could have been worse." Huang said, sighing with relief. "We'll work on containing your Storms. Other than that, you're improving."

"Duh? Of course I am. The best hero in the world is training me," Ayaki said. "It'll be embarrassing for me and you if I wasn't improving."

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