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THE PALACE SHOOK AND CRACKED after the explosion. A dark glow streamed in from outside. Akira gasped and rushed to one window— black clouds stretched through the sky with a deep blue aura pulsing from them. Her heart stopped as a sense of unease sat in her stomach.

Lord Raiden summoned Emperor Isamu...

We're too late.

Akira couldn't believe it. The source of all this evil that was her own brother. The one she's been against for the past seven weeks. She hated herself for not realizing him sooner as regret sank in her chest. Maybe she could've talked sense into him and saved him, like she promised.

Akira's fist collided with the window, the force nearly breaking it, as tears welled up in her eyes. She brushed away her tears and un­leashed a furious scream and growled.

"I could've saved him. I could have done something... but... I failed. I... I'm not worthy of being a Guardian if I can't save every­one." Akira sighed, resting her forehead and hands on the cold glass. "I did nothing. And now... my own brother is going to destroy the world."

A single tear streamed down her cheek.

Stop crying, damn it...

Someone grabbed her shoulder, and Akira looked up, drying her eyes. It was Kazami, sending a soft smile.

Her words echoed with hope as she said, "We can save him together, but not today. We need you to be strong when the time comes to banish Isamu." She stopped. "You can't focus on what you should have done be­cause it's in the past. Right now, you have a realm to save."

Akira averted her gaze from Kazami and remained silent. She was right... focusing on the past would only darken Kivvora's future further — but all Akira could think about was Ayaki.

Netsuto stood next to Kazami and looked at Akira. "We're almost there, Kir." He said, smiling, his eyebrows knitting up with sympathy. "Kivvora is counting on us."

Harumi and Umiji nodded. "We need you," they said in unison.

Akira kept her head down, the sounds of her friends' voices blending together in a confusing jumble. Saving Kivvora wouldn't save everyone... Ayaki would still suffer. He was the one she had to imprison him in Yomikuni along with Emperor Isamu. But that wasn't fair. Her brother wasn't a monster or an abomination. Instead of exiling him, he deserved to receive healing.

She couldn't imagine confining Ayaki in an awful place, such as Yomikuni. Akira stood there, speechless. Failure consumed her thoughts, crushing her with the sense of letting everyone down who trusted her. A heavy silence filled the air... Then—

Yamiyo lifted Akira's chin with his finger, guiding her gaze to meet his tender eyes. "I know it hurts to see your brother become someone else. But you can't let that bring you down. Kazami is correct, we will save Ayaki. Eventually, but not today." He pulled Akira into a comforting hug as her tears streamed down her face.

Akira sank into the embrace, hugging him back with a firm grip. "Okay, Yamiyo," she whispered, her voice clogged with tears. After pulling away from Yamiyo, Akira dried her tears with the heel of her palm. "Heh, heh... sorry for crying so much."

A frown replaced Yamiyo's smile. "No. I'm the one who should apol­ogize — to everyone." He sighed. I never intended to attack you, Akira." Yamiyo looked at his hands. "My powers... I couldn't control them. And for pretending to take Lord Raiden's side—"

"You're here now... that's all that matters." Netsuto laughed and crossed his arms behind his head. "Plus, who'd willingly take sides with that dipshi—" His eyes widened, and he turned to Akira. "No offense, Kir..."

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