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AFTER HIS ENCOUNTER WITH AKIRA and those other Guardians, a deep seated rage and hatred boiled within him. They would become a problem. Bad for this business he was trying to run.

Especially Akira Hiromitsu and that Shadow one, Yamiyo Omagatoki. Raiden wanted to save them, like any good hero would – but Akira saw him as evil and declined his help. If only she saw the more he could do... maybe then she would have changed her mind and joined him.

Lord Raiden knew just how important those Guardians were. He wanted them to join him so that their elements would be safe. Maybe he should've said more - explained himself better. 


Akira is a Hiromistu. She wouldn't like what he's doing no matter how he worded it. His goal wasn't to make enemies. He just wanted Akira's friendship. But now? Now, that needed to change.

He knew it was a mistake inviting a Hiromitsu to his home to ask her to side with him. On top of that, he revealed Chrysalis, the key item to his ultimate plan.


She would come after him and she would stop him. But Lord Raiden wouldn't let it happen. After all, Akira was now his enemy as well.

In a quiet panic, Lord Raiden took out the scroll Jiro found and rolled it out. He rose from his seat and pressed his hands on the sur­face. The Order of Guardians. What the hell did it mean? If he deciphered the code, he could use this against the them.

What does it all mean?

A force whooshed! behind him. 

A deep blue, vortex... with slight screams resonating from it.

 Lord Raiden straightened, knowing very well who came to greet him. He spoke without turning around. Jackass... "Ukyo..." he grinned, sarcastically. "I thought I've told you to let me know when you wanted to pay me a visit."

Silence hung in the air.

Ukyo strode around Raiden and stood before him - his huge arms crossed and a twisted smile upon his lips. A – thing taller and larger than he, with alabaster skin, dark scleras, red irises, and long, thin black hair.

"Forgive my poor sense of manners, Raiden," his voice low and snarly. "But our master sent me out on an important mission."

Lord Raiden rolled his eyes, folded his arms, and remained si­lent. "I'm doing my best, Ukyo. I haven't forgotten about you and I sure in hell didn't forget the old, half-dead bastard..."

Ukyo let out a low chuckle as he approached Lord Raiden. "That's not what master believes."

"Well then, what does he believe?"

"That you won't keep your word. It's been a while since you made that promise – and master isn't free yet..."

"I've been busy building an army... I need all the help I can get, demon." Raiden shot a finger at Ukyo.

The muscly creature chuckled again. "Hey now... that isn't a nice word to call your friend and former teacher... now, is it?"

Lord Raiden lowered his eyebrows. "Yeah, former. I don't take orders from you anymore. Thanks for the lessons though. You made me into the man you see now." He gave a side smile.

Ukyo edged closer to Lord Raiden's desk and slammed his hands on the surface, his eyes flashing with an even more vicious smile. "You may no longer take orders from me, but you still take orders from him," the demon hissed. "He's growing tired of your bullshitting. He wants his freedom now. Make it happen."

"Is that all?" Lord Raiden arched an eyebrow. "Because if it is... you may leave." He flapped his hand toward his door.

Ukyo chuckled low and shook his head. "Master sent me here to keep an eye on you to make sure you're not just screwing around."

Lord Raiden swore under his breath. He exhaled and bared his teeth. "Fine." He stopped. "But just so you know, while you're in this realm, you will be taking orders from me. Got it? Don't rush my work, don't interrupt my work - don't tell me how to work..." He moved in closer to Ukyo, even though he knew Ukyo would crush him with a single grasp.

"We both serve the same master. You, however, just like kissing his ass more than he deserves. He'll get his freedom, but it will be on my time. There is still much to prepare before he arrives." He hissed. "Besides, I still have my own goals to accomplish."

Ukyo smiled then shook his head. "You're just the same as I remem­ber," he said, chuckling some more. "By all means," he leaned forward into a bow. "I'm at your eternal service, Lord Raiden." Ukyo rose. "As long as you keep your end of the promise you made master."

"Shut the fuck up..." he spat. He quickly regained his composure. "There's a room on the second floor. My assistant is outside this room, waiting for you. He'll be escorting you." He narrowed his eyes. "Rest. We will figure the next step to freeing master as you wish."

Ukyo bowed his head again before heading toward the door. He looked over his shoulder. "Hospital­ity? Where's that awful Lord Raiden from a few seconds ago?"

"Get the hell out my office, Ukyo..."

Ukyo chuckled before he left and shut the door behind him. Jiro and Ukyo spoke from behind the door and Lord Raiden waited for them to leave before returning what he was doing before he was rudely interrupted.

"Free master..." he mumbled as he read the scroll. "What about what I want? Did he forget his end of the promise?" He slammed his fists on the table and shouted, throwing the scroll across the room. "You'll get your freedom, master. I even have the next part of the plan..."

Multiple knocks echoed from his door, and three of his workers bragged in. He turned to them, lifted his head, and narrowed his eyes. One of the work­ers spoke. Male. "Milord, We heard you shout. Is everything alright?"

A low growl sounded from Lord Raiden's throat. He went silent be­fore responding. "I'm... fine. It's nothing to worry about." He whis­pered. "Return to your duties, you three."

His workers bobbed their heads once and left. 

Raiden groaned, calming himself, then went to pick up the scroll.  He sat down to look at it again.

The Order of Guardians. 

Deep down, he knew that this Code was the key to freeing his master, or at least one of the many steps to freeing him. He already knew Chrysalis was the first and most important step... but he needed something to amplify it, to act as a catalyst to give Chrysalis more power. The Order of Guardians had to be the answer. 

He must decipher it.

The man got an idea of how he could and grinned as he rolled the scroll up and put it away. This plan was too perfect. And Ukyo would be the one to do it.

That monstrosity was perfect for this plan. 

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