TWENTY (part2): games and gifts

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Blue Harmony Village was louder and brighter for midday. Drums boomed and rattled the streets, probably even broke the sound barrier. Akira didn't even want to imagine what the streets would be like if this was being held in New Kivvora.

Akira looked around for the others, but they were nowhere to be found. She crossed her arms and walked with her head low. Yamiyo wrapped an arm around her and brought her closer to him.

Akira looked up at him and he smiled at her. "We're supposed to be having fun, not moping around."

"Says the Guardian of Shadows."

"Just because I command the Shadows doesn't make me mopey. If that were the case, you would have been the Shadow Guardian."

Akira tapped her chin. "Hmm... maybe I should've. But I couldn't imagine you as the Light Guardian." She said and nudged him.

The friends stopped and gave each other mischievous stares. Then they both laughed and laughed at each other.

Akira and Yamiyo continued walking around Blue Harmony Village to find something to do at the festival. The first thing they did was take pictures. After, they played some of the festival games. Akira won two rounds of shogi and earned a small dragon plushie. She gave it to Yamiyo and he gave her what he won at another game.

Deep blue earrings.

"I didn't know what to get... but when I saw these, I thought about you." He smiled, rubbing behind his neck. "They match your eyes."

Akira let out a faint gasp, her cheeks flushing. They were the exact color of her eyes. She looked back at Yamiyo. "I love them."

Akira put the box in her pocket, Yamiyo hugged his animal plush against his chest. The friends giggled at each other as they continued wan­dering around the village.

While the thoughts of Lord Raiden, the evil he was playing with, and Ayaki occupied her mind, she was happy to spend with her best friend. And It did relieve some stress. Right now, this was way better than training.

Akira and Yamiyo returned home at seven o'clock, just as Master Yuuto had instructed. The others returned soon after them. Akira had a feeling she should have stayed longer in case anything happened.

In case Four Claw attacked, in case Jiro went on a stealing spree, or if Lord Raiden came to get more people to work for him.

She knew these things were out of her control, but she couldn't step aside and watch. She's a Guardian (in training). It was her job to keep the people safe. It's what her dad did. It's what she should do as Guardian. The world looked up to the Guardians. She couldn't fail them. She couldn't fail the one thing she was made to do in Kivvora.

After dinner, Akira went to her room without a word to anyone. She exercised, starting with weak push-ups and sit ups — anything she could think of to build up body strength. Perhaps that's why she couldn't control her power or summon it good enough.

In Yuuto's words – she was skinny and out of shape. She had to get stronger. Akira was desperate now and ready to do anything to stop Lord Raiden. And to get revenge on him for killing her brother.

After a while, Akira stopped mid work out to catch her breath. She didn't feel stronger after that, she felt drained. She laid on the floor for a moment. (Yamiyo wasn't lying, the floor was a comfy place to lay). With a groan, she got up, sat on her bed, and waited for her breathing to return to normal.

She remembered the earrings Yamiyo won for her at one of the games and pulled them out her pocket. She opened the little box and smiled. The blue gems glistened under the lights of her room.

She took them out and fixed them onto her ears. She looked at both sides of her face in her vanity mirror. They matched her eyes perfectly.

Akira chuckled through her nose. Yamiyo's so sweet. She grabbed her phone and took a picture of herself and sent it to her friend with a text after the photo.

She set her phone down and got ready for bed. As she was brush­ing her teeth, her phone buzzed twice, not even five minutes later. She finished her night routine before grabbing her phone and sitting on her bed again. A smile spreading on her face as she read Yamiyo's texts.


Akira: Thanks again!

Akira: I love them ^w^

Yamiyo: you look nice.

Yamiyo: and i'm glad you like them (:


Well, that was fast. And did he say she looked nice? Maybe she looked too deep intothe complement. Sure he said she looked nice in the past, but now... it felt abit different, and she couldn't explain why. Akira's face burned a little bit.She looked at herself again and touched her cheek.


Akira: Thanks ^w^

Akira: Well I'm going to bed

Akira: Cya in the morning, heheh!

Yamiyo: goodnight, aki

Yamiyo: hiro also says goodnight :p


Yamiyo sent a picture of the dragon plushie. Akira smiled at the picture. She sent another good night text before putting her phone on the charger.

Before she could get comfortable, someone knocked on her door. She groaned as she got out of bed and headed toward her door. After she slid it open, her eyes went wide when it wasn't Master Yuuto.

"Netsu?" She raised an eyebrow. "Everything okay?"

The Fire Guardian chuckled. "There's no problem." He said. "I wanted to chat with you. About your power. I have some tips and tricks that helped me. They might help you out too."

Akira blinked. "Right... now?"

Netsuto shook his head. "If you want to wait until Lord Raiden takes over, we can wait all night," he said. "But now would be a great time."

Akira went silent for a moment. Then, she met Netsuto's eyes and bobbed her head once. "Your tips better be good ones." She pointed a fin­ger at him.

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