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AKIRA AND HER FRIENDS APPROACHED the edge of a river, the sound of water pouring down a waterfall filled the air, giving a calming feel to the area. A huge contrast to that nasty jungle... or swamp. Whatever that was.

Akira looked at the map again. Madam Sugita's temple was on the other side of the river. She put the map away and looked for a way to cross – but there wasn't a bridge, or anything convenient to get to the other side.

Akira shined her light over the river and Netsuto followed her lead, flashing his Fire over the water. It was too wide to jump across, and too deep to swim.

"Uhh, problem..." Akira gave an unsure smile.

Yamiyo approached the river and exhaled. "Let me try some­thing."

He knelt down at the edge and placed his hands on the water. His hands glowed purple as black shadows covered them. Akira looked closer at his power— his Shadows were darker than last time. Yamiyo's Shadows began to crystallize on top of the water. He grunted as he tried to extend it across the river, forming a bridge. Suddenly, he flinched and stood, stepping away from the river.

"Something's coming... something big. Everyone, be on guard." He yelled.

Akira prepared her fists with Light as the others channeled their ele­ments and took their stances. Akira lowered herself, staring at the water, ready for the worst.

The water ripped and gurgled. A gigantic dragon, charged with violet lighting burst from the river, squealing and thrashing around in the water.

Akira narrowed her eyes, shaking her head. "How the hell does that even work? I thought water and electricity didn't mix."

The monster screeched, flailing its four tongues in the air. Four. Then, it prowled out of the river and clawed at the ground.

Netsuto made the first move, blasting it with a huge fire ball. The dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a wave of water at Netsuto, charged with electricity. The Fire Guardian hollered in agony before col­lapsing to the ground.

Akira looked at Netsuto and stood in front of him, protecting him from further attacks until he recovered.

Yamiyo rose his fists into the air, creating chains and cuff of Shadows around the dragon. He snarled as he dropped his fists and brought his hands together, holding the dragon in place. Without a struggle, it broke free, and Yamiyo stumbled back.

"Our powers mean nothing to it." Kazami yelled as she took out her dual bladed daggers. "We should use out weapons."

"Wait, wait." Umiji said. "Something's wrong with him."

"Uhh, yeah? It's a creature with four freaking tongues and powers that don't agree with each other. Of course there's somehting wrong with that." Netsuto said. "We killin this thing..."

"NO." Umiji said. "All of you, please. Would you just wait thirty sec­onds."

Akira kept her weapons in hand, but listened to Umiji, giving him the time that he needed. Umiji smiled, nodding his thanks before walking tow­ers the monster.Akira gripped her butterfly swords tighter, prepared behead the thing if it so much as lays one tongue on the little boy.

Umiji dug through his bag and pulled out a packaged mooncake. He voice was gentle as he said: "Do you like these?" He held the pack­age to the dragon.

It snarled, lowering it's head to Umiji – the boy didn't even back up an inch. He rubbed the snout of the dragon and laughed.

"Me and my sister, Harumi love mooncakes." He said as he took the treat out the package. "You didn't mean to attack us... you just wanted a snack, didn't you?"

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