THREE (part 3/6): the pursuit

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Why the hell is she so fast?

Yamiyo stopped running and bent to his knees, panting heavily. Akira was nowhere in sight. She was fast. Too fast. What the hell possessed her to take off? Did she desire death or something? It posed a risk for her to plunge into danger like that. She's going to be killed. Akira didn't—

She didn't have powers like he did.

Yamiyo couldn't bear the thought of losing Akira to... whatever it was the villagers were running from. What if she got hurt in the crowd? What if—

What if she got severely injured? He had to save her.

His chest burned as he struggled to catch his breath once more, numbness crystalizing through his lungs. Yamiyo didn't have time to fully recuperate. Akira was in danger, and she was his priority. He had to go. Now.

Yamiyo straightened and took off running, hoping, praying that Akira hadn't gotten into trouble. (Yet, if he knew her any better). And if she did find trouble? Well, Yamiyo hoped for her safety.

He looked everywhere for her and growled. "Damn it." He yelled and ran. "Akira."

* * *

Akira arrived at the center of Radiantville and slowed to a brisk walk. Dis­carded trash and scattered debris cluttered the streets in every direction she looked. Akira inhaled sharply, the icy air searing her lungs.

What hap­pened here?

The village was quiet except for the sound of Akira's slow footsteps bouncing off the damaged buildings. There was a slight smell of smoke, but no fire. It must have been the explosion alone.

Akira continued to walk through the shambles as she searched for that strange group and wondered how they could've caused this much destruction. Did everyone even get out safely?

Akira's neck prickled at the distant sound of four approaching voices, and she scrambled to find cover between two houses and leaned against one of them.

This had to be the group that man was talking about. And they were still here.

Whoever these people were, they were still here. She was totally in for it now. What if they found her? Captured her? Or worse– like her uncle had warned. Akira's heart rose to her throat. She couldn't flee now.

They were here.

Akira huddled closer against the wall and the sour, musty stench of garbage filled her nostrils. She did her best not to gag as she peaked from her hiding spot and picked up on approaching footsteps. She let out a small gasp, quickly muffling it with her hands, and ducked behind the home, holding her breath as a figure walked by, casting a shadow over her.

Her heart thumped in her fingertips as her stomach flipped over. These weren't ordinary village thugs. It was something Akira only saw in comic books and movies. Nothing... nothing like this exited in Kivvora.

"Wolf... people?" Akira whispered.

They appeared mostly human, with ears on their heads and tails giving away their wolf-like qualities. Their hair color matched their ears and tails: one had long red hair, another had shaggy white hair, the third had black hair, and the last one has long silver hair.

Akira's throat tightened as she swallowed hard. Ayaki used to read her stories about creatures like this, but she never thought they'd actually exist. She liked them a hell of a lot better in their fiction setting.

This was a mistake. She shouldn't have run off alone, but she did. She should've listened and stayed back with Yamiyo. He's the one with powers — a Guardian. Yamiyo would blast these wolf people with his Shadow element if he were here.

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