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UPON ARRIVING IN THE THRONE room, Emperor Shiro was already standing at a window, staring outside. The expression on his face sent a shiver down Akira's spine. Fear, worry... the last look the ruler of Kivvora should have.

He spoke without turning around. "I know..."

"Your majesty," Akira began. "What happened? There were no alerts. And your guards. Hansuke — where did they go?"

Emperor Shiro turned to look at Akira and she shuddered. He didn't look at her with disgust this time. "I instructed my guards to remain inside the palace because I trusted you six to handle the situa­tion."


"As for Hansuke — I have not seen him since this morning... one of my guards said he vanished just before Four Claw attacked."

Akira's raised an eyebrow "That's... weird." She stammered. "Are – are they sure?"

People don't just vanish out of nowhere, especially the captain of the guard. Even if Princess Lienna had her suspicions of him, he was still im­portant to Rotasu and the safeguard of Kivvora.

"We'll find him and—" Akira began, but Shiro raised his hand, silenc­ing her.

"No. My guards are already out looking for him." He said. "Be­sides I need you Guardians here to protect the palace just in case a second attack is inbound."

He sighed. "We'll have to cancel my daughter's party tomorrow. All the decorations have been ruined. I doubt the city feels safe after this inci­dent."

Akira crossed her arms. "No. Princess Lienna is getting her party." Akira said. "Rotasu loves their princess. Kivvora loves her. She'll be devas­tated if she found out you canceled everything."

Emperor Shiro stared at Akira, and she took a deep breath before con­tinuing. "My dad used to say 'Don't let one mess up bring you down. Let it uplift you. Use it as a crutch to keep moving forward.' I think Master Yuuto taught him that when he was his student. Anyway—" she shook her head once she realized she was rambling.

"What happened today was horrible, I know. But... you shouldn't let that stop you from the plans you already made. Find another way to make it work."

"It'll be impossible to redecorate the entire city." Emperor Shiro shook his head. "We have to postpone the celebration to next week."

Akira smiled, looked at her friends, then back at Shiro. "The prin­cess will have her party tomorrow. We will help." She said. "We're not going to let Princess Lienna down over a low rank villain group attack. You've gotta have more hope than that, your majesty."

Emperor Shiro went silent for a moment. He gave a slight smile and nodded his approval. "Very well, Hiromitsu. I have faith in you and your friends."

That was the first time Shiro smiled at her. Akira's heart raced with excitement at his approval. "Thanks! We promise we won't dis­appoint."

As the Guardians began to leave the throne room, Emperor Shiro stopped Akira and asked to be alone with her. Akira nodded to her friends, and they left, the doors shutting behind them.

Akira looked to the emperor, concerned now, thinking she might have said something wrong. But she couldn't have because he still smiled at her.

"I want to apologize for how I have treated you, Hiromitsu-san..." He said. "I thought—"

"That I would be like my brother..." Akira finished his sentence. "I don't blame you." She said with a shrug. "I get it."

"I wish he hadn't left..." Shiro said. Sincerity and a hint of grief in his voice. "I wish there was more I could have done."

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