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MASTER YUUTO STILL RECIVED IRREGULAR energies within Yamiyo and Akira. Yamiyo's energy was becoming darker by the day. Akira's grew wil­der.

Even though Akira could control her power, she still had too much pulsing through her. It seemed like she was holding most of it back, and calling it control. Or something else was holding her back. Something held all his students back when he read their aura's — but Akira and Yamiyo? There auras held the most back.

Yamiyo seemed to be in control of his power again. It's been weeks since he was sick. Though, his aura was darker. The darkness was growing within his heart. A deep seeded hatred for himself. Fear. He's not controlling his fear. He's suppressing it. And the hate for himself grew faster by the second.

There was nothing Master Yuuto could do or say at this point. Guilt filled his chest. He was supposed to know how to help his stu­dents. He was supposed to know what to do. But this time... this time he didn't.

It's been a while since they heard from Lord Raiden and his min­ions. The Guardians have been getting more hatred from the village and all over Kivvora very fast. With these awful rumors, they have been slacking in their training less and less every day. There was still so much for them to learn. Too much from them to give up on their training like that.

In each of their auras, Yuuto found something that his students needed to work on. They were holding back their true power, and they weren't even aware of it. Each of his students were strong, but Master Yuuto knew they could get stronger.

They didn't want to try anymore. They took saving their teammate as a failure when the world said it was and blamed them entirely for what hap­pened.

The Guardians hadn't touched the peak of the true power lying within them. They are not nearly as ready to become the heroes their parents were. And with the rise of Lord Raiden... dealing with Isamu, his older twin brother...?

Master Yuuto feared there might not be enough time for them to un­lock this power... before Lord Raiden takes over with whatever vile plan, he has for Kivvora.

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