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One week later...

THE ROYAL FAMILY PREPARED A ceremony for the Guardians so they would be recognized by the everyone as the Guardians of Kivvora.

Today, they would be entrusted to guard and protect those in danger and ominous threats to come without supervision.

Akira would become an official hero... and she would fight alongside the greatest fighters she's ever met. She felt lucky to have them as her friends.

Almost everyone in Rotasu was here in the palace, the crowd smiling, roaring in cheers. Akira and the Guardians stood behind Emperor Shiro as he stepped closer to the crowd and silence them before speaking.

"Greeting, my friends. My family and I have gathered you all here to recognize these six young and spirited heroes as the Guardians of Kivvora." Shiro paused. "They will take the place of their parents in serving as Kivvora's defense system using their elemental abilities."

Akira face burned with excitement, squealing internally.

Shiro continued, "Now, I proudly would like to formally introduce everyone... Behold. Our Guardians: Netsuto Moerumo Guardian of Fire. Kazami Sorako, Guardian of Air. Harumi Shimana, Guardian of Earth. Umiji Shimana, Guardian of Water. Yamiyo Omagatoki, Guardian of Shadows. And Akira Hiromitsu, Guardian of Light."

The crowd erupted into cheers, louder than when they first ar­rived. They weren't hated anymore... the Guardians were now trusted again. Akira stood tall, smiling as she waved back to the crowed.

"Check it out Kir. We're famous." Netsuto laughed. "They love us."

Then, the Guardians stepped out onto the balcony and launched a beam of their power shot into the air, together, creating a force of positive energy, letting everyone in Kivvora know that a new genera­tion of Guardians have awakened and that they would be there to pro­tect them from danger of any kind. From this day on, they will defend Kivvora until their last breath. After all... that was the Guardians promise.

* * *

The celebration came to an end and the sun settled in the distance. Master Yuuto was waiting at the train station for the Guardians. Soon, Akira, Yamiyo and the others made their way to the station just before the train arrived.

Akira and Yamiyo have decided to stay with Master Yuuto and their new friends. After all, there was still much for them to learn about mastering their powers.

The train arrived, taking Master Yuuto and his students back to Shizukana.

The Legacy of Guardians - Kivvora Heroes: Guardians & DestinesWhere stories live. Discover now