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SURROUNDED BY EMPTINESS, AKIRA FOUND herself lost in her thoughts. Had Ayaki — 'Lord Raiden' put her here? Akira's spine tingled with a shiver as the deafening silence buried her. She scanned the area in search of her friends, but they were nowhere in sight. She was alone.

Akira struggled to summon her powers, but nothing flickered through her. An invisible barrier seemed to restrain her, rendering her Light ineffec­tive. She was about to try again when a figure appeared from a swirling mist of purple clouds.


With a beaming smile, Akira rushed towards the figure, relieved to be reunited with her brother. Did she rescue him? Was this real?

"Yaki...? Ayaki, is that really you?" She said, her voice drowned in tears. "Are you okay?"

Without saying a word, Ayaki's deep violet eyes burned with anger as he directed his gaze towards Akira. "Why? Why aren't you doing anything to save me?" Ayaki hissed. "Do you want to see me suffer? Does my suf­fering make you happy?"

Akira's blood turned to ice. What was he going on and on about? Saving him was her top priority, and she couldn't stand the thought of him in pain. "You know that isn't true. "I just — I don't know how yet," Akira said, her words interrupted by tears streaming down her face. "I don't want you to suffer..."

"You're just like everyone else. Leaving me behind, leaving me to suffer — you never even loved me... Did you?" Ayaki said.

These words weighed down on Akira's heart, casting a shadow of sadness over her. Why would Ayaki think this? She cherished him and couldn't bear to see him in pain. Ayaki didn't deserve any of this. The thought of him being poisoned and enduring unimaginable pain sent waves of sorrow crashing through Akira's heart. It was never meant for him to become a notorious villain.

With a sigh, Akira closed the distance between them and moved closer to Ayaki. He looked so lost... so confused... so sick. As Akira caressed her older brother's face, feeling the coldness of his skin and the faint traces of his tears.

"Those are lies..." Akira whispered. "The poison is making you think these horrible things."

"And look what it done to me." Ayaki's eyes flashed red, and he let out a pained grunt, clutching his head. His appearance darkened as he transformed into his new self, Lord Raiden. "You were supposed to help me and yet you let this happen." He spat. "You let the poison take full effect on me. You're the reason I'm evil... why darkness is in my heart."

Akira gasped, backing away from her brother. "N-no... no." She shook her head, refusing to meet Lord Raiden's gaze, while tears cas­cade down her cheeks. "It— it wasn't my fault..."

With a firm grip on Akira's chin, Ayaki directed her gaze towards him. His hollow, glowing yellow eyes peered into hers. As she strug­gled to break free, her brother's grasp on her only strengthened, leav­ing her trapped in his clutches. Akira grimaced in pain.

"You're hurting me." Akira moaned. "Ayaki... please. You've gotta know that I still care and love you very much... the poison is lying to you. I want to save you... I just... I just don't know h—"

"BULLSHIT." Ayaki's voice shook with distortion as he threw Akira down.

When she connected with the ground, a grunt escaped her lips. Her shaking body fought to raise her head.

"I don't need anyone else lying to me. If you truly wanted to save me, you would have done so already." He seethed.

"Ayaki," Akira whispered. "Please... listen to me..." Akira pushed herself up. "Resist the poison. I know you're still in there and you can hear me. Fight... you have to fight it, big bro."

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