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LATER THAT DAY, Lord Raiden asked his assistant to meet him in his of­fice. With Akira Hiromitsu having powers now, he needed to find a way to weaken her before she got stronger. He needed a better understanding of Guardian power.

Akira was going to be bad for business. He could already sense it. Lord Raiden had to stop her before she became a problem.

There was a knock at his door before a man with tan skin, light brown eyes, and pulled back dark hair entered his office. He stood at the center of the room with his arms folded behind his back. Lord Raiden leaned forward in his chair, tapping a pen against his cheek.

"Jiro," Lord Raiden mused. "I have a job for you."

His assistant straightened. Fear. Submission. Oh, how Lord Raiden adored those feelings from those who stood before him. And Jiro was damned right to be afraid of him. If he wasn't, Lord Raiden would have found a way to make his appreciated assistant cower him.

"Yes, milord? What is it, milord?" Said Jiro.

Lord Raiden flashed a grin. That submission. That tasty, delicious sub­mission.

"How may I help? Milord."

Lord Raiden twirled the pen between his fingers, the sound of it clicking against his nails filled the room before he set it down on his desk. "I need you to do some research— if this isn't a bad time for you." He said and added a menacing grin to show he didn't mean the last part.

If Jiro were to decline Lord Raiden's request, he would immedi­ately replace him. Lord Raiden found pleasure in the way Jiro's face tightened when he spoke.

"It is never a bad time, sir," his assistant said. "What would you like me to research?"

Lord Raiden nodded his once. Good. He knows what to say to him. He knew what he liked to hear.

"I need to learn more about this— Elemental magic." He said. "I need to know everything about it. It's strengths, the downsides— everything." He clasped his hands. "I'll triple your pay as a reward."

Jiro let out a surprised grunt. "Milord. That information isn't ac­cessible to everyone in Kivvora, it's— it's sacred."

Lord Raiden tilted his head. "Do we have a problem?"

"No." His assistant fell silent and looked down. "But how would I find this... information? Research it even?"

Lord Raiden swayed his hand to the side. "You're the thief, aren't you? Make it a you problem, not mine. You serve me, un­derstood? I shouldn't be questioned." He seethed. "We're done. Do not fail me Jiro Masuda— if this job means anything to you."

The dark-haired assistant bowed his head. "Understood, milord."

"Good." Lord Raiden said. Smart man. Smart man indeed. "You've been dismissed."

His assistant lifted from his bow and with a nod, Jiro left the office, the sound of his footsteps echoing down the hallway.

Lord Raiden's eyes flicked to his computer screen as he pulled up the news clip of Akira's burst of Light. It was still a mystery how her power came, and why it did. And why it was so strong.

Her power was too strong, Lord Raiden could only imagine. Akira Hiromitsu was a threat, and she needed to be stopped... or—

Lord Raiden smiled as a dark and vile idea came to mind. Perfect. Ex­cellent. The idea was so perfect, so excellent that it just might work. And no one would have to get hurt.

Raiden kicked his feet up on his desk, reclined in his chair, and kept his gaze on his computer, replaying that news clip of Akira.

Perfect and excellent indeed.

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