SIXTEEN (part 2/3): suggestion

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The train stopped at Nabicho. A small region at the northeren outskirts of Kivvora. Akira's mind wandered about how she would explain herself to Master Yuuto for why she and the others were out this late. If she had done this with Uncle Jiang? She would not hear the end of it. Even with an explana­tion.

Akira and the others followed Lord Raiden through a dark val­ley. Large, jagged mountains surrounded Akira and a shiver went down her spine. The air was even colder in Nabicho and the wind howled. Was it meant to be scary or did the wind naturally do that here?

Fog hung low in the dark valley, and beyond the fog, a large, tall building came into view. This was his house? Some sort of freakish, illegal laboratory.

Akira had the sudden urge to flee, to get far the hell away. And an un­nerving feeling swelled  within chest. But she continued following the man, just in case he had a plan for her or the others if either of them tried escaping.

Lord Raiden led Akira and the Guardians through double iron doors, more double iron doors, and some more. Then, up a flight of stairs. His home was so dark and dimly lit it made Akira very uncomfortable. Footsteps echoed throughout the dark and empty halls until Lord Raiden stopped be­fore a door and opened it.

He gestured his arm inside the room and flashed a dark smile. "Guests first."

The others hesitated before walking into the room. Akira stopped and stared deep into Lord Raiden's dark and twisted gaze, lowering her eye­brows. "Hospitality?" She scoffed. "That's not very evil of you..."

Raiden chuckled. "Evil? Hmmm... That's a harsh word for someone you just met." He crossed his arms. "That isn't very heroic of you..."

Akira growled and clenched her fists. Don't attack him... don't attack him. Akira sighed through her nose, dropped her fists, and looked away from him. She couldn't lose her temper, not now, not here. "Just hurry up and tell me what you want..." Akira said before entering the room.

Akira approached the others standing at the center of the room, in front of a desk. She stood next to Yamiyo, who didn't seem afraid at all. He seemed... tense and ready to fight.

Lord Raiden looped around Akira and the Guardians before taking a seat at the desk. To his right, there was a man familiar to Akira. A tall, mus­cular man with brown skin and deep red hair. His brown eyes flashed as a dark smirk tugged his lips. That hooligan.

Akira pointed. "You!"

"Me..." The hooligan mocked.

Lord Raiden chuckled low then moved his hand toward the man standing beside him. "Jiro Masuda, my most trustworthy assistant." He said.

Raiden turned to face Akira and the others, then drummed his fingers together. "I'm surprised the two of you met. Interesting." He teased, playing dumb. "How and where?"

"Never mind that shit," Netsuto crossed his arms. "We here, now talk before things escalate."

Lord Raiden rolled his eyes. "I wasn't talking to you, Netsuto Moerumo..." He hissed.

The room went silent. He... he knew him? But Netsuto never mentioned his name once... not even on the news. How did he know?

Netsuto blinked. "So what if you know me... big deal." He shook his hands, mockingly. "Ooo, I'm so scared."

Lord Raiden grinned. "Of course I know you, you're the Guard­ian of Fire." He stopped then eyed the others. "Kazami Sorako, Guardian of Air. Harumi Shimana, Guardian of Earth, Umiji Shimana, Guardian of Water."

"You're Yamiyo Omagatoki, Guardian of Shadows. And last but not least the Guardian of Light herself, Akira Hiromitsu." He paused and clasped his hands on his desk, smiling at her.

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