THIRTY-FIVE (part 1/5): darkness rising

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LORD RAIDEN STEPPED OUT ONTO his balcony, the wind blowing his dark blue hair to the side. He kept his gaze on the darkening south with a twisted grin. With the vortex machine nearly ready, dark energy was quick to spread. Emperor Isamu may not be here yet, but Lord Raiden was sure this threat stirred some fear in a lot of people.

Lord Raiden grabbed his tablet and called Ukyo, who immedi­ately answered his call. His face popped up on the screen. "What is it, boss?"

"Just checking up on your progress on the research for the Stones of Balance," Lord Raiden said. "Anything?"

Ukyo shook his head. "Meet me at Isamu's palace by the end of tomorrow— I have a plan you might like." He chuckled. "Oh... and send the attack. Those Elemental brats are here."

Lord Raiden grinned. "Perfect..." He said. "See you very soon, Ukyo."

Lord Raiden ended the call and stepped back inside. Jiro was waiting for him, and Lord Raiden walked by with a smile. "Masuda, you're in charge of the lab until I get back." He said. "I promised a better world for all of us. I never break my promises."

Jiro crossed his arms behind his back. "Are you sure you don't need my assistance for this one?"

"Are you sure you don't want to do as I say and lose your job?"

"Of course not, sir..." the assistant cleared his throat. "Be careful, milord"

Raiden chuckled. "I don't need to..."

He walked to another part of his lab and knocked on a door. A tired voice from the other side welcomed him in. He leaned against the doorway, arms folded. The wolf hybrids looked at him with furrowed brows.

"Four Claw — you're coming with me. I have something I need you to do in Rotasu." He said and took out four vials of Chrysalis.

He tossed them at Four Claw and they each caught one. The hybrids looked at the liquid before looking at Lord Raiden.

Kiba lifted an eyebrow. "More Chrysalis? Aren't you supposed to be saving it?"

"This form of Chrysalis is special and made special for you four." Lord Raiden said. "Drink it and come with me. I'll explain it to you on the way."

* * *

Yamiyo couldn't believe Akira allowed him sleep in her bed and not the sofa under the window. He laid awake, staring at the ceiling. Every time he shut his eyes, he saw the destruction of Kivvora and the piles of black dust. And by his hand...

Next to him, Akira slept, breathing gently in and out. Yamiyo laughed a sigh. He's used to seeing her looking like she's ready to pick a fight with anyone. Never this calm.

But the more he looked at her, the more she faded away, crumbling to dust.Yamiyo did his best to remain calm and shut his eyes. But Kivvora's destruction returned to his vision. And Turmoil's haunting gaze flashed and flickered afterward. 

Yamiyo jolted up with a gasp, holding his head and clutching his heart. His power... his power was getting stronger. Too strong for him to handle.

Yamiyo wanted to wake Akira. He didn't want to be alone right now, he wanted to talk to her— but Turmoil instructed him not to. And he com­plied.

He got out of bed and went to the bathroom and rubbed his eyes. Get it together, get it together. Yamiyo shook his head then looked at himself in the mirror and gasped, stepping back with a shout.

His reflection wasn't himself. His reflection took on the figure of the physical manifestation of his Shadows. The person that has been giving him orders.


Yamiyo's breathing increased. He was a monster. He blinked to make it all go away, but his power continued to glare at him, then leaned it's head to the side without Yamiyo doing so.

Yamiyo couldn't take his eyes off the mirror. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't. It was like his power forced him to look at the monster he's become.

In the mirror, his parents spawned behind him, and his eyes wid­ened with tears. He fell to his knees trembling. He covered his ears as they reached to grab his neck, chocking him. Grunting as their cold, ghastly fingers wrapped around him, their voice cutting through his mind.

"Do you see the monster are?" His parents seethed. "We said you couldn't hide who you truly are."

"No." Yamiyo whispered. "It's not... true."

The presence of his parents vanished and Yamiyo pushed him­self up and saw himself — his actual self in the mirror.

In seconds, Turmoil grew and towered over Yamiyo with his claws stretched out, ready to grab him. Darkness coiled around Yamiyo, constricting him, making it difficult for him to break away.

"Why are you trying to escape, Yamiyo?" Turmoil hissed. "I only want to bring you comfort for all the suffering you've endured through the years."

Yamiyo slowly stopped struggling. Maybe Turmoil was right? "No... you've been the cause of my pain all this time... you only want to hurt me."

"You spent years hating me when I was only trying to help you ease the pain. Let me ease that pain in your heart."

Yamiyo shook his head. Of course Turmoil was wrong. There had to be another way. Yamiyo couldn't let his power control him. That is what will cause him to destroy the world. He couldn't lose con­trol.

"I'm not going to let you control me." Yamiyo whispered.

"You are already mine," His power said. "I'm just waiting for you to accept my offer or for you to break."

Yamiyo covered his ears and winced. "I'll never accept anything you offer. And I will never break."

His power chuckled, circled to face Yamiyo, and stared him in his eyes. "Everyone has a breaking point, Yamiyo..." Turmoil said. "And it looks like, I will have to wait on that. Which will be very soon. I can taste it."

His power over shadowed Yamiyo and vanished into his body. The strength of the darkness in his Shadows nauseated him. His world spun slightly. He cradled his head and moaned.

"Sleep." Turmoil whispered.

Yamiyo winced at the voice echoing in his head, then he left the bath­room and got back into bed. He turned to face Akira, who was still sleeping soundly.

He forced a smile as his eyes became heavy, and he drifted off to sleep with the voices so faint yet so loud in his mind.

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