THREE (part 4/6): the energy guardian

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"Yamiyo!" She yelped, grabbing her pounding heart. "Where the hell did you come from?"

Yamiyo's silver eyes gleamed with worry and a hint of anger as he stared at her. He replied, "I've been here long enough to hear about this Lord Raiden monster wanting you." He crossed his arms. "Do you know him?"

Akira shook her head, her long black hair brushing against her shoulders.

"But he knows you?" Yamiyo raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Did you do something? Anything that might have got his attention?"

Akira looked up, thinking. She shrugged and looked back at Yamiyo. "I don't think I did anythi—" She paused for a moment as she remembered something. But... there was no way Lord Raiden knew about that. "I did get into a small tussle with a troublemaker in Lightyard fifteen times. This week."

Yamiyo's eyes widened in shock. "Fifteen times? This week?" He stopped and looked to the side, then back at her. "Akira, that's like three times in one single day. You get into trouble that much?

Akira scratched the back of her neck with a sheepish smile. "Kinda?"

Yamiyo rubbed his nose and readjusted his glasses. "No wonder these wolves, or this Lord Raiden want you," he said, his tone soft yet harsh. He sighed. "Come. I'm taking you home. You'll be safe there. I'll take care of them later. And please, for the love of kivamis, don't run off like that again."

The Shadow Guardian's expression turned from gentle to surprised, as Akira's smile grew more menacing. "If Lord Raiden wants me, then he can have me." Akira stepped closer to Yamiyo and clutched a fist in his face. "Right after I destroy his gang of wolves."

Akira crept out the alley and Yamiyo followed not too far behind her. Carefully, Akira ducked behind another house, edging closer to Four Claw. The siblings walked by, oblivious to her presence. She grinned as she peaked at them pass her by.

Yamiyo pulled her back into the alley and growled. "Have you lost your mind? You're going to get yourself captured." He whispered.

"Relax, Yaya," Akira said. "They won't even know we're here."

Akira crouched down and tightened her grip on the rough corner of the home as she followed Four Claw with her fierce, midnight blue eyes. "I have a plan... and I just wanna have some fun."

"Fun? Again with the fun?" Yamiyo mutter with a harsh tone. "Akira I already told you, nothing about this is fun. It's life or death, it's a responsibility, a job. Not a hobby. You're going to die if you entertain them."

Akira heard Yamiyo, but she didn't consider what he said. She didn't care about life or death. She didn't care about it being a job. All she wanted was the action and the thrill of a fight. As Akira stood to get closer to the wolves, something struck her chest and knocked her back onto to freezing ground.

Akira pushed herself up with a pained grunt. Something forced her back down and held her in place. She winced, squinting her eyes, trying to make out the face of the person who was pinning her down. It wasn't Yamiyo. Akira growled and narrowed her eyes. It was some­one she didn't feel like talking to. Especially right now. It was that old man she "insulted" from earlier.

Akira grunted. "You again?"

Akira struggled as the weight of his bamboo cane on her chest grew heavier. She cringed in discomfort as his clog dug into her shoul­der, immobilizing her.

Akira grunted a laugh. "So... I take it you aren't a retired samurai. You're still a samurai, yeah?"

The man groaned, his voice filled with exhaustion and frustra­tion. "I am no samurai."

He unpinned Akira, and she pushed herself up, shivering as she brushed the powdery snow from her clothes. "So, you gonna tell me what that was about, or—"

"Wait... you two met?" Yamiyo asked.

Akira sighed. "This is the man I was supposed to give the muffins to." She paused and giggled to herself. "Before you made me smash them, of course."

"We met too," Yamiyo looked to the man. "At the park, shortly before all of... this happened."

The man chuckled. "Indeed." He said. "I have met you both to­day. It wasn't a coincidence either. Fate had brought me to you two and fate brought you two here today."

Akira leaned her head to the side. "Uhh, fate?"

"Hush." The man demanded and pointed his cane at Akira and poked her nose. "Or I'll put you back on the ground."

Akira blinked once and went silent. Were old people supposed to be this... scary?

The man squinted his amber eyes at Akira. "You shouldn't even be here. It's too dangerous for the powerless." The man moved his cane and poked Yamiyo's chin. "And you. You're the Guardian of Shadows. Why aren't you already in action?"

Yamiyo crossed his arms. "Four against one isn't a fair battle." He said, unamused, then moved his head away from the cane. "How do you know who I am anyway?"

The old man groaned and shook his head. "I am Master Yuuto Sugita, the Energy Guardian.

Akira's eyes widened. Energy Guardian?

"I can sense and see auras, powers, and the Elemental magic flowing through a Guardian's veins." He said, then looked at Akira for a while.

He was staring at her again. He seemed confused and worried this time. Why was he looking at her this way? It was starting to get annoying and very creepy.

Akira snorted. "Read auras? Of course you can... 'master'."

Yamiyo lightly pushed Akira and snarled. "Akira."


Master Yuuto's gaze intensified as her lowered his eyebrows. "Now is not the time to be joking, Hiromitsu. Radiantville is in—" The man began, but the sounds of running and howling wolves drew near, cutting him off.

"Found you..." Gin purred with delight.

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