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AKIRA HIROMITSU WOKE UP THE next morning and for the first time in the last two months, she felt peace. She could finally rest and wake up with­out having to worry about Kivvora's fate hanging in the balance.

But everything wasn't as peaceful as she thought. She couldn't get one person off her mind. Ayaki. Her suffering older brother... Where had he gone after the last battle?

Akira wanted to bring him back so badly and she tried... but he wouldn't listen. She replayed it over and over in her mind of what she could've done for him, but she didn't find any other way.

It seemed like Ayaki liked who he was now. He liked being Lord Raiden... he was happier. But Akira could see the pain in his eyes. He didn't want to be that way. Deep down, Ayaki wanted to be good again.

She sensed a repressed purity inside his heart. As evil as he may be... deep down Ayaki Hiromitsu was alive in there. Her true, sweet, tender-hearted brother who fought for so long against the poison. The one who still managed to be the best older brother he could be and for Akira when she needed him. To comfort her from feeling worthless when she didn't have powers. There to give her love on the nights when she didn't want to be alone.

And by looking at him now as Lord Raiden, Akira knew he doesn't want the life he lives. He didn't want to be evil. But the poison in his blood twisted his thoughts to make him believe that the darkness was his friend. His only friend... and that everyone else was against him.

Akira looked at the photo of her and Ayaki in her mirror. He was such a happier boy back then, even though he was sick, he still managed to smile. He still made Akira happy. Akira picked up the pic­ture and smiled a little.

"One day, Ayaki... we will save you..." Akira whispered.

Then, a knock on the door shook her from her thoughts. "Come in..." Akira said as she stuck the picture back in its place on her mirror.

"Great. You're awake." Yamiyo said, leaning against the door frame.

Akira walked over to him and poked his nose. "Why's Guardian of Shadows doing up so early." She teased and crossed her arms. "What's the occasion?"

Yamiyo chuckled and sang, "It a surprise."

He took Akira's and pulled her with him. Akira yelped with the pull, almost tripping over her feet. She steadied herself as she tried to keep up with Yamiyo.

Damn, he's gotten stronger.

Yamiyo brought her to the courtyard doors and pressed her hands over Akira's eyes before opening the door. "No peaking, okay?"

"Alright...?" Akira said, furrowing her brow.

Yamiyo walked Akira outside stopped. He removed his hands from Akira's eyes, and she gasped. A... party?

Umiji, Harumi, Kazami, and Netsuto standing around her, with proud smiles on their faces. But why? For saving the world? Didn't they know that they saved the world too?

"Uhh, why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"Not only did you save the world with your friends, but you've mastered your Light in two months. It usually takes years of intensive training to get that much experience and you've done it all in such a short time." Master Yuuto praised. "However, you've still got much to learn, but all of us wanted to say how proud we are. You are one of a kind, Akira Hiromitsu." Master Yuuto smiled. "Your father would be proud."

Akira bowed her head, honored that everyone has put effort to con­gratulate her, when really, she felt she should be thanking everyone else.

"I couldn't have done it all on my own. Without you guys, we would not have won that battle." She stopped. "I'm looking forward to keep fighting and bring Lord Raiden down with each of you."

"Okay... enough of that sappiness, Kir." Netsuto said, his voice choked with tears. "I'm going to start crying.

Kazami giggled and shook her head, then hugged Akira. "And we would be honored to fight with you again, Aki." Kazami said. "I glad I met you." She let her go. "You've changed our lives for the better. You changed me."

"Thanks, Kira." Harumi and Umiji said in unison, giving her a quick hug.

Netsuto bumped into her shoulder. "You're an awesome friend, Kir."

When Akira looked ahead, Yamiyo smiled and gave a thumbs up.

She smiled back at him, returning his gesture.

* * *

The moon was full and bright and shined down on Akira and Yamiyo, lean­ing against the bridge railings, gazing at the moon and stars. The lake around the house rippled in the soft breeze, tickling Akira's face.

"So? What do you think about being Guardian now?" Yamiyo asked. "Since we're entrusted now, it's our full-time job. We get to spend more time with each other too." He stopped. "I'm glad about that."

Akira frowned and let out a sigh. "I... I'm not sure, anymore." She jolted. "About the Guardian thing... not the last thing... the hanging out with you thing. Because... I would love to hang out with you more. The Guardian thing just has me worried... now. I guess."

He turned to face Akira and turned her chin to face him. Sincerity glimmering in his moonlit eyes. "He made his choice... there was nothing you can do." He paused. "But that doesn't mean we're giving up on him. We will save your brother."

Akira chest warmed. Yamiyo was willing to help her save Ayaki. Even if it was dangerous, he wanted to help.

Akira leaned on Yamiyo wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "How will we save Ayaki?"

"When the time comes, we'll be ready." Yamiyo whispered and secured Akira against him, caressing her head.

Akira let out a contented breath, never wanting to let go of her best friend's comforting embrace. "One day, you'll be free, Ayaki..." Akira whispered. "I won't let you down."

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