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ONE WEEK WENT BY QUICK. Spring was three days away, which also hap­pened to be Princess Lienna's birthday. Akira and the others were instructed to help the emperor and empress with preparations starting tomorrow. But for today, they had to patrol Rotasu on top of training.

The same thing she was doing back in Shizukana, only this time Em­peror Shiro was watching, and sent his snoopy-ass captain, Hansuke Kaneko to watch over them.

The sun was barley up and the Guardians were already eating break­fast. Akira groaned as she sat at the dining table and slammed her head down, making the dishes clatter. Exhausted from the exesive training, Akira knew she would experience the same pain today and years to come.

"Akira Hiromitsu." Master Yuuto snapped. "We are guests. Please try and show a little respect."

Akira grumbled as she pulled her head off the table. "My head hurts..." She said, almost whining.

She looked to the seat ahead of her where Yamiyo sat, his head in his hands again, his eyes filled weakness and fear. He looked more tired by the day. Drained as if something was eating at him, taking his life force away.

He wanted to tell her something all last week— but then he would tell her to forget about. Well, she didn't. Because she knew that look in his eyes said otherwise. Yamiyo still wanted to talk to her, but he didn't know how.

Akira didn't care about that. However he says it, whatever he says, she wouldn't care. She would do her best to understand. He's her friend, and she would never abandon him. Could he be afraid of that? She didn't want to pry either — she didn't want to make him uncom­fortable no more than he already does.

Akira's fingertips sparked a pale green glow, creating a little orb. With flicked of her hand, she sent her Light flurry towards Yamiyo. His ivory face glowed as he straightened with a slight gasp. His con­fused silver gaze rested on Akira which turned into a weak smile.

She could tell it didn't do anything to take away whatever was on his mind... but at least she got a slight smile out of him. Whenever Yamiyo's ready to talk, she'll be there to listen.

The doors to the guest hall moaned as they flew open. Akira rolled her eyes, already knowing who had entered the room.

"Good morning, Guardians." Hansuke cheered. "Hope the meal was alright."

This asswipe

Akira rolled her hands into fists on the table. She knew Hansuke knew more about what happened to Ayaki. Ever since their last con­versation, Akira didn't trust him. And she especially didn't trust him for following her and the other around all the damn time.

Sure it was a direct order from Emperor Shiro, but still... Hansuke watched over Akira and her friends as if they were villains, wanted criminals... and he hid it all behind that goofy, fake ass smile.

Akira couldn't talk to the emperor, empress, or their daughter. She knew they wouldn't believe her by the way they to looked at her. Ayaki gave the Hiromitsu family a bad reputation in Rotasu. But some­one should had helped him more instead of letting him leave, suffering.

Then, the captain's voice broke her from her thoughts. "Miss Hiromitsu, are you alright?"

Akira shifted her gaze to the smiling captain and narrowed her eyes. "I'm fine..." was all she said.

Hansuke clasped his hands together, chuckling. "That's great to hear," he said. "Because before training, I want to tell everyone something. It re­gards to that threat in the south... I think I know how to stop it." He crossed his arms with a sigh. "But I don't know if it'll work."

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