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Dark energy was on the rise, and it had something to do with that Lord Raiden character making a deal with Isamu Sugita. That young man was making progress.

Yuuto didn't want to tell his students anything because even he was afraid of what was upon Kivvora. He didn't want them to be afraid.

They all were doing so well in training which was hard enough on Akira. Plus, Yamiyo was already fearing a lot right now. Master Yuuto didn't want to add to his student's existing anxieties.

The Guardians were unmotivated after those horrible rumors of them being untrustworthy heroes spread throughout Kivvora. Each of them was losing faith... if not, had already lost faith.

Who knows how they would react if he told them about the dark energy arising? They might feel pressured to stop it... and because of what was going on, they wouldn't feel trusted enough to stop it.

He couldn't risk discouraging them further.

Master Yuuto placed his complete trust and faith in his students and knows deep within his heart that they would protect Kivvora from this looming danger upon them.

He didn't know what Lord Raiden was doing out there. But this dark energy he sensed told Yuuto that Raiden was up to no good with a grim future planed for Kivvora.

But that's not all Yuuto worried about.

Akira and Yamiyo... their energies grew concerning. Even after he spoke to them, his words didn't seem to help.

Akira was filled with unrelenting rage unlike any he's felt before. It was terrifying. This anger was with herself – for not being strong enough. And toward her father who left her at a very young age. Who gave up on curing her older brother. Akira's heart would stop at nothing until she surpassed Huang.

Yamiyo... his fear darkened heart and clouded his mind. He's been hallucinating, having nightmares, and thinks he's evil. Yamiyo lost more control over his power as well... it was as if his power acted on its own.

Yamiyo's fear was winning and taking him over. But there was still hope for him. He needed to find the truth within himself.

Master Yuuto prayed Akira and Yamiyo let those emotions go sooner rather than later.

With the way things were looking now, Kivvora was going to need them. And they needed to have a clear head for that.

The Guardians will stop Lord Raiden. They had to stop him before he does permanent damage to Kivvora's balance. But there was still so much for them to learn before this fated battle arrived.

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