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AKIRA DIDN'T KNOW WHERE SHE was going. She sprinted in endless circles, her eyes peeled, scanning for an alternate escape route. She also couldn't help but to fear how she was endangering Harumi right now. Akira bet she looked like a worthless Guardian in Harumi's eyes. Clumsy and ir­responsible... that's what Akira was.

After a while, Akira and Harumi had reached the peak of the labora­tory, entering a grand hallway with two doors at each end, and a towering window that flooded the room in moonlight. Akira took some time to catch her breath. She lost them in here. It was halfway over... she now had to focus on finding the others. Hopefully, they had better luck with their half of their mission.

Akira hurried to the door, pulled it open, and all time stopped. She gasped. Guards. Lots and lots of guards piled in. Akira and Harumi backed up, running for the door they came through, only for Lord Raiden and more guards to back them toward the center of the room. They were trapped but braced themselves for a fight.

"Not so fast," Lord Raiden seethed and flashed a grin at Akira. "Go­ing somewhere?"

Akira crossed her arms, snickering. "Really? That's the best ban­ter you've got?" She giggled again. "You sound like a cheap ass, washed up, villain. Oh, wait..." She stopped to change her voice to mock him. "Not so fast."

Harumi burst into laughter behind her. "It's funny because he sounds like that."

Lord Raiden snarled, clenching his fists at his sides. "GET THEM."

Lord Raiden and his guards charged at the two Guardians. Akira pulled Harumi closer to her side, smiling at her. "Cover up." She warned. "Things are gonna get brighter—" she said as she filled the room with pale green light. Lord Raiden and his guards shielded their faces.

Good... we have some time to escape... but where is there an exit? Akira scanned the room, taking in every detail. Her gaze remained fixed on Lord Raiden and his guards, observing their every move. It wouldn't be long before they regained their strength. She had to think... fast. As Akira's gaze wandered around the room, her eyes finally settled on the large window at its center. A mischievous smile crept across her face.

"Don't tell me you're gonna—" Harumi groaned.

Akira chuckled, grabbing Harumi's hand. "Yep."

As her Light attack faded, Akira turned her head to glance at Lord Raiden, his glare piercing through her. She pressed two fingers against her forehead, then aimed them at her sworn enemy. Lord Raiden's eyes shifted towards the window, then back to Akira with a scowl. Akira's grin grew wider, maintaining her gaze over her shoulder.

"You... wouldn't," Lord Raiden hissed. "You may be crazy, but you're not insane."

Akira flipped her hair behind her with a hand. "Then you don't know the Hiromitsu's as well as you thought." She winked. "Later, Ray," she teased before nodding to Harumi.

Both Guardians dashed towards the window. With an explosion of Light, Akira shattered the window into countless fragments, the sound of breaking glass echoing everywhere. And without hesitation, they leaped out, the rush of wind against their faces as they descended.

And they fell fast.

Using the new trick she learned last week, Akira created a glowing, pale green ramp of light for her to glide down. Her and Yamiyo learned how to turn their elements into physical matter. It was easier than it sounded.

Harumi shot a thick vine from her wrist and attached it to something on the ground. The Earth Guardian sqeaked with excitement as her vine pulled her forward, guiding her to the ground safely.

The Legacy of Guardians - Kivvora Heroes: Guardians & DestinesWhere stories live. Discover now