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The more minutes passed, the deeper I sank into her throat. Fucking ecstasy. Only the sounds of my moans and her throat being filled by my cock could be heard, a wonderful melody to my ears. With final movements, I poured myself into her mouth.
- Swallow.
I had placed the tip of the blade over her right eye. She winced as she swallowed the entirety of my cum.

- Good girl, you've done well, for this will be your only meal of the day.

She said nothing, as if she'd simply accepted her fate.

- You're strangely resigned, I expected you to resist more. It would have turned me on to see you writhing in pain after I'd gouged out your eyes.

She looked at me without saying a word, no expression crossing her face, as if she'd silenced her emotions.

My smile widened, I grabbed her by the hair to lift her up and swung her back into the back seat, it would soon be daylight.

I set off again, it was only 45 minutes to my hideout, everything was secure, no one would suspect she was here.

I glanced at her in the rearview mirror a few times, she was still tied up tight, her face bloody, still wearing only the clothes I'd stripped her down to, just a white thong and matching top.

I wanted to lock her up in a cage like an animal; she'd be my daily distraction, a well-trained fairground animal.

The ruined house where I'd been living was finally taking shape; in fact, this ruin contained a fully finished basement. I own this big house, but I preferred not to renovate it and leave it as it was. It was easier to be totally unknown, because there was a name on this property: mine.

But nobody knew... This name...

Who was I? A ghost... Just that.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now