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I stood up, careful not to fall, as the floor was slippery. I had to reason with him, and as I set off down the corridor, Love staggered to the wall.

Slowly moving closer to examine his condition, he was sweating and his mind seemed agitated.

- Love...

He didn't answer, why was he in such a state.

- Aris... He murmured.

I touched his forehead, it was burning. I had to...

No, this was my chance to run away. He could never catch me in this state.

Digging into his pocket, I grabbed his keys, I could take the elevator up, easily and without the opening code.

I ran towards it, then put the key in the lock, and it opened.

Hurrying back inside, the doors closed on Love falling to the floor.

No, you must run away, he's hurt you, he doesn't deserve your compassion.

I blew out my breath and turned back, once you've taken care of him, you're out of here in a hurry.

He was on the floor holding his head, so I moved closer and grabbed him by the arm, placing it on my shoulder.

- Love, get up, I'll take you to the bedroom.

Damn, he's heavy. He falls heavily onto the bed.

I should undress him.

He regained consciousness slightly as I removed his jacket and T-shirt.

He articulated with difficulty.

- For... What, you turned back?

He'd seen me, I continue to remove his remaining clothes.

- Rest, I'll take care of you, and then I'll leave.

He frowns as he tries to straighten up, but holds his head after the movement.

I stand up, seeing myself start to leave, he grabs my arm.

- Don't go.

I stare into his eyes. Then says.

- You need water, try to stay conscious.

He was perplexed, still not wanting to let go of my arm. He needed a click to reassure him.

I take his face in my hands and press my lips to his.

His eyes opened wide in surprise, so much so that he lay back and stared at me.

- I'll be right back, okay?

He just nodded, it was impressive how a simple fever could overwhelm him.

Grabbing some cold compresses and a basin, I rummaged through the medical drawer and took some pills to bring his fever down. Unless he behaves.

This is Love you're talking about. He won't let me.

Yes, you're not wrong.

I stopped off in the kitchen for a glass of water, then returned to the bedroom.

His eyes were closed.

- I told you to keep your eyes open!

He flinches, then frowns.

- Why the hell are you screaming? I've already got a headache, I can't keep my eyes open.

His tone was aggressive, even more so than before; my kiss had only calmed him temporarily. I ignore what he's just said, handing him the glass of water and two pills.

He looks at my hands without taking them, why is he so suspicious,

- Do you want to kill me?

I gasp, rolling my eyes. I wish you'd died the instant you burned my body. But you can't always have what you want.

Of course I can't share that thought with him. Otherwise he'd never take the medicine.

I bring one to my mouth to prove he had nothing to fear, then swallow.

His eyes hadn't left me for a moment, you bet, it didn't hurt at all, he was wide open, scrutinizing me.

- Take the second one.

He didn't move, his breathing was still, squinting, he straightened up and snatched the glass from my hand.

He just drinks the water, without taking the tablet.

- Don't make me force it down your throat, Love!

He handed me the glass, but before I could grab it, he dropped it and it hit the tiles.

A few pieces, scuffing my feet. I look at him with exasperated eyes.

- Give me back the elevator keys, you said you'd stay with me, little puppy.

Why was his face so sweet? He wasn't sweet, he was just cruel and malicious, his face was far too innocent. How could anyone suspect he was hiding such madness? I stand up, only to find that I'm surrounded by bits of glass.

If I walked, they'd sink into my feet and I wouldn't be able to walk anymore. Had he planned this?

I breathed more and handed him the keys, which he seized, rising with difficulty and nearly falling with every step he took.

Damn it!

Every time, he defuses any attempt to escape.

Locking the keys in a code box, I sit back down on the bed this time. He sits down beside me.

- Go and wash up, you stink of milk, you should also pick up the glass you broke.

I glare at him, was he faking it all along? He's doing very well, even too well considering the demands he spouts.

- I hate you, Love.

He looks at me contemptuously, but doesn't come any closer. Normally, he would have grabbed me by the hair to punish me. But since the cage episode, he wasn't touching me physically.

No, he was trying to get to me emotionally. He wanted to make me suffer psychologically.

He wanted to play, all right Love let's play.

- Come and have a shower with me, my love.

I flickered my eyes and put my hand on his bare chest.

His face was closed.

What's the matter?

Does it really not work? Still, it's a technique that usually works well.

- I was wondering when you were going to offer it to me, little puppy.

His lips stretched into a ravenous smile.

Shit, does he think I want to do it, I've got to get out of this situation.

It was a bad idea, he stood up and held out his hand.

If I don't take it, he'll get angry again and God only knows how he might react this time, or at least what he might do to me.

Shivers run through my body from head to toe.

I finally grabbed it, trembling.

No sooner had I set foot on the ground than he came to lift me up, a rattle of surprise escaping my mouth. I turned my head in his direction.

- You might cut yourself stepping on the debris.

He walks towards the bathroom, holding me in his arms.

What am I going to say to get away from his sexual urges?

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now