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I enter the surveillance room, then sit down facing the cameras.

I enter the house's security code, my phone begins to vibrate and I pick it up.

- Mr. Braham, I'm sorry to bother you while you're on vacation, but we're having a problem with the files you've entrusted to us.

- What's the problem?" I ask curtly.

It remains silent for a few seconds.

- New evidence has been submitted to the judge concerning Mr. Joy's trial.

- Mr. Joy demands an interview with you and no one else," I tried to reason with him. But he arrived at the office pretty upset.

Damn it, I was going to have to leave the house and leave her unguarded. I breathe loudly into the phone.

- Ask him to wait in my office. I'll be there in 30 minutes.
- Yes sir, please wait...

I had just hung up without listening to the end of his sentence.

I got up and went back into the bedroom, where she was lying on the bed asleep, her forehead sweaty.

Touching it, it was hot, she had a high fever, but I was going to see her go and leave her in this state.

I lift her up and take her to the dressing room, where I lay her on the bed. I'd changed the sheets beforehand after the punishment I'd given her.

I put a cold towel still soaked with water on her forehead, then left the room, locking the door behind me. I had to secure the house after I left.

I absolutely couldn't let her go out while I was away, but in her condition she wouldn't get very far.

I changed into a suit and looked at the cameras again, she was still in the position I'd left her in.

I activated the security system, which linked everything to a bomb.
All she had to do was try to open the front door, even just a little. Everything would explode.

It was radical, but I had to be careful.

I had 15 minutes to get out.

I head for the underground garage, then get into my car, open the doors and drive off at speed, the security system engaging after I'm out.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now